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@UncleIroh @Stahesh Nah. Priest would give me 100 laps around the church to atone for my sin of gluttony.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan what a degenerate pedophile crapshoot the catholic community has become

Here's what I like about the Oirish:

"The Irish are impervious to psychotherapy and that's because they have the abililty make a joke out of anything."

Sigmund Freud said that. If you've ever been among actual Irish you'd know how hilariously true this is.

It's impossible to insult an Irishman harder than they insult themselves.

Pope CommieFag, the mask is so fully off now.

From totally based, to jew-cum guzzling commie in 100 years. smh.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.