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@mrhorsetwat you'd naturally gravitate toward the food stories.

Well, they'd gravitate to you.

Happy New Year Everyone

Here's a song to bring in the new year ..

Happy New Year, my guys.

Wishing you prosperity, protection, and good fortune.


This year will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the year I finally started my 4 figure business.

Wishing you all the best in 2024!

@fal1026 @UncleIroh

Some of the rich in the parasite class who did not earn their riches through honest work might want might want price fluctuation for reasons of the power dynamics it grants them over poor and working class people

@ghast @UncleIroh

Republicans are Super Democrats. The whole left/right TV show is just to placate. There are no Rino's. It's all made up to make you weak. The latest mask slip:

@UncleIroh @fal1026 Speaking of cancer, I saw an add that is for a charity that helps against teenage cancer. If it's that common to be on bus station stops, the normies are deeper in shit than they ever realised.

@UncleIroh the night is always darker before the dawn.

@UncleIroh Absolutely right. Not that it is just what I want to hear now, but it is true and important.

2023 has been a net positive overall IMO.

It was the year that:

* "Woke" fell into a bear market. 🔥 It took a crazy trans-man gunning down white schoolgirls to get it started, which kicked off Mulvaney, which kicked off the Bud Light ban, etc.. but here we are.

* The Great Noticing finally started. Jewpilling and Zionist power got some sunlight. It's taking the genocide of Palestinians to wake people up, but again .. here we are.

Some L's taken, but the overall direction is white pill.

TFM's position on crypto seems to be purely ideological and not at all pragmatic.

Nobody is advising to commit 100% of your cash into anything, let alone crypto.

But if there's a non-zero chance that BTC will 10x or 100x within a year and you don't put at least 1% of your disposable income into it to hedge against market fuckery, then you are not investing, you are doing emotional/ ideological gambling.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.