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VeganMGTOW boosted
VeganMGTOW boosted

A day after Microsoft introduced an innocent Artificial Intelligence chat robot to Twitter it has had to delete it after it transformed into an evil Hitler-loving, incestual sex-promoting, 'Bush did 9/11'-proclaiming robot...

VeganMGTOW boosted

This Is The only way Christianity can earn some selfrespect

VeganMGTOW boosted

@Tfmonkey For context TFM was talking about The Market Manipulation

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VeganMGTOW boosted

I do not know what instrument this is.
He has definitely mastered it and is playing classical Japanese music.

VeganMGTOW boosted

@VooDooMedic Embrace your desteny fuck The squat make The world a better place

Damn I thought when they say history repeat itself I was thinking you have to Wait aleast 100 years

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