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Under Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s push to root out extremism in the military, the Pentagon issued new rules in December 2021 advising troops on banned activities, ranging from advocating terrorism to “liking” extremist views on social media. He also ordered stronger screening during the recruiting process and the creation of an investigative unit to identify potential extremists in the ranks.

Liking wrong content = banned

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VeganMGTOW boosted
VeganMGTOW boosted

A day after Microsoft introduced an innocent Artificial Intelligence chat robot to Twitter it has had to delete it after it transformed into an evil Hitler-loving, incestual sex-promoting, 'Bush did 9/11'-proclaiming robot...

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This Is The only way Christianity can earn some selfrespect

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@Tfmonkey For context TFM was talking about The Market Manipulation

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I do not know what instrument this is.
He has definitely mastered it and is playing classical Japanese music.

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@VooDooMedic Embrace your desteny fuck The squat make The world a better place

Damn I thought when they say history repeat itself I was thinking you have to Wait aleast 100 years

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.