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I'm thinking about upgrading my graphics card and I'm wondering if I should upgrade my motherboard too?

My current setup is an i9-9900k with 62gig ram and a 1080ti.

I wanna upgrade to a 4090

So I broke my leg kick personal best and now I can leg kick 120kg (244lbs) for 12 clean reps

Anyone else using's home server on element? Mine is fucking not connecting I think their home server got nuked, awesome I wonder if midov is open back up again

I keep getting the "oops something is wrong message" is it something to do with my host server?

Can anyone else access the matrix rooms?

VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted

If I must be burdened with the knowledge of its existence so to shall you

Once they get rid of whites, they will probably go extinct.
Only whites are kind and trustful enough for this kind of antic to work, and jews can't operate a functional society by themselves, in isolation they have even more dysfunctional than women.

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History is pretty clear on the fact that jews only know to kick their host in the knee 'till it collapse, and have no real plan beyond that, no idea about how to even capitalize on it, and are even pretty garbage at even detecting when the collapse will happen on their face.
They just flee everywhere they can, use the collapse they created as a sob story to get inside the next host, and repeat - all with no real final plan, just to sabotage everything constantly.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.