>The ozone hole above Antarctica will keep opening up each spring for decades to come
>here’s why that still matters
>First Nations people are 3 times more likely to die on the road. Here’s how to fix Australia’s transport injustice
>NSW government to trial average speed cameras for all vehicles in bid to curb state's rising road toll
>Anti-war protestors descend upon Melbourne ahead of weapons expo with police braced for bigger tests to come
>Puberty blockers a 'safe, effective and reversible' form of gender-affirming care, finds review triggered by Westmead Hospital investigation
@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat tranny shooters manifesto / diary got released
Eg you will not be able to use the internet, get a job or use credit cards if you refuse to use the system
Conspiracy theorists were also dead right that the existing mygov system used by state departments would become the basis for national ID
>record of what had been shared would be kept inside your MyGov "wallet", and Mr Shorten said individuals would be able to control what details were exchanged.
social credit score in Australia
Australia attempts to launch world's first functional social credit score.
Conspiracy theorists were right, they've taken the covid vaccine passport and turned it into a universal digital ID that will carry citizens social credit score
>Mr Shorten told the National Press Club the new system could also be used to take the hassle out of buying a mobile phone or setting up a bank account, or to simplify the process of applying for a job.
Just a gamer livin' out the male fantasy