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Andrew Wilson has some amazing skill dismantling feminists lately. I can't imagine he's going to last much longer on YT.

In another debate, he had a feminist submit that if she didn't agree with modern feminism, you would have to roll back all the other waves to prevent the current wave from ever happening in the first place. Wish I could find a clip of that discourse.

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My lifehack for this commie kike: kill yourself.

It'll solve all your problems.

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"Send in another wave"

"But sir Hamas has destroyed like 2 battalions of tanks..."

"Send more cargo ships past Yemen"

"But the Houthis sir"

"Assault more international aid ships and kill more UN employees"

"Sir, we're getting pushed back from our positions and the whole world hates us"

"Invade Lebanon, kill every civilian and claim they're Hezbollah"

@Tfmonkey I may have heard wrongly but if you assessed Ukraine is conscripting prepubescent kids, what news source or journalist mentioned it ?

The cat my parents took in 4 years ago died to a kidney failure.

My family already went over their grief since it all happened the morning while I was at work. I just got the news and it sucks.

We gave that little void 4 amazing years while I developed fun memories with him. I won't be seeing a cat at home for a while but my parents may open up to letting entry to other friendly cats in our yard.

Rest in Peace, boy. I shall bear and spread your legacy of tearing other cats ears in battle.

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I don't necessarily extrapolate Reddit sentiment to the whole population but if that is true, then sex dolls won't be threatened for the foreseeable future.

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@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Finally his ass is dead. Spare a piss for his thirsty tombstone to wash all the blood off of it.

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