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@PordanJeterson - I see. Well, that was good foresight. 🫡

I actually dated a white schizo chick once. She had a plain face, with a hot body. She was also a severe alcoholic (I was young and naive). I actually went around hiding all the sharp objects the first night she stayed over. And eventually, I had to move all her stuff out when she was passed out, before she took a hint. 😂

Long story short: She was not worth the headache, and was the biggest reason I don't do casual sex anymore.

@37712 - At first glance I read that as "quirky-women-must..."

The mental image of quirky females, with their glasses, ukuleles, scrapbooks, and sweaters, packing up for war... had me very entertained. 😂

@PordanJeterson - Besides, who wants to have a family with a schizophrenic?

I mean seriously, maybe in some alternate timeline you guys get married, have a slew of kids, and start a wholesome and happy family... and then you come home from work one day to find 3 of your kids drowned in the bathtub.

Seriously, bro. Not to be crass... but don't procreate with schizophrenics.

Wait it out, train & prepare, and then take some war-brides later. That would be much a much better scenario. 🍻

@PordanJeterson - It allowed me to set my grief aside for a bit of time. And over time, those periods of emotional rest became longer.

So anyway Mr. Pordan, I hope you can find your peace. Cheating whores have ruined many a man. Don't let her win. Your death will mean nothing to her - it never does.

The high road is better, but if it's out of reach, then let this drive you: "The best revenge, is living well." - and that is so true. Your death, would be nothing more than an ego boost for her.🍻

@PordanJeterson - I started Lion's Mane as a sleep aid. I was in a state of grief and fixation that would allow me no rest. But I've heard the disclaimers on prescription sleep aids... so I wasn't gonna fuck with any of those. I don't need to go to jail for a psychotic episode because big pharma wanted to make a buck.

So I went with Lion's Mane. And restful sleep finally came. The effect was subtle. And I noticed an increase in mental/emotional agility & control. ➡️

@PordanJeterson - ...and if you wait enough days, the despair will pass.

People say suicide is selfish. But I say it's selfish to ask a miserable person to stay here. The solution then, is to find a way out of misery - for yourself, and no one else. Happiness is a choice - or the culmination of a series of choices.

And if medication is required over a prolonged & inconsolable depression (which is rare), then I highly recommend "Lion's Mane" (available OTC on Amazon). ➡️

@PordanJeterson - But even with all that... sometimes I'm just a stubborn bastard. And sometimes none of those things were enough to keep me here...

So why am I still here? One thought: When you're talking about something as permanent as death, what does it matter if you wait a day? 🤔 And it turns out, that tomorrow is always tomorrow. 💁🏻‍♂️

I have found over numerous such episodes, that the will to live never leaves a man. In suicide, that will to live must be overcome by despair. ➡️

@PordanJeterson - I've been there, wanting to end life over a broad. And now I'm not.

Sometimes, there is simply no consolation, and platitudes ring hollow - I know. So why am I still here? Well, there were lots of things at various times. I had a lot of people in my corner - friends & family. There was a profound near-death experience as I was hanging... and now it's impossible for me to be an atheist. I don't believe in Jesus, but there's definitely a God, and death isn't the end. ➡️

@37712 @Tfmonkey - This made me laugh too hard. That's cold! 😂😂

@shortstories - How did I test her, you may ask? 🤔

Simple. I told her I liked her, as soon as I caught myself wanting to spend forever with her (stupid involuntary emotional attachments). Then I asked her out. I wanted to see if she responded with the emotional maturity of an adult (she was mid-30s).

She did not. She immediately made herself out to be a victim, blame me for her troubles, etc.

And that's how I knew it could never work. After that, I just had to tough it out. 💔😭

And now? 💁🏻‍♂️🍻

@shortstories - Hmm... The last time I feel in love (read: involuntarily formed an emotional attachment due to biological programming), I did sort of test her.

I knew she was probably awful, since she was female. But there's a 5% chance that she was alright. So I had to find out.

She was awful. It was very painful and humbling for me. But at least now it's done. And I avoided false accusations, cuckolding, a marriage trap, and the constant headache of being with an awful female.

@Pain66 - I mean, it could be real... but I'm suspicious.

These girls are trying to get subs and updootz. So, they're probably just appealing to the lowest common denominator. And at least in the world of TikTok, loser druggies vastly outnumber promising males who have their shit together. 🤔

@RodrickSage - I think libertarians are disinclined, because they're not interested in being tyrants. 😶

@Tfmonkey I've had a similar issue. I feared a torn cuff, the internet suggested bone spurs so I got an x-ray to be sure.

Thankfully, it turned out to be just a swelled bursa (soft tissue lining of the shoulder joint) causing discomfort during sleep (side sleeper) and inhibiting full range of motion, along with weight lifting problems. An anti-inflammatory fixed me right up.

Here's something that may prove useful 🍻:

@marlathetourist @37712 - That was pretty funny. But I was hoping for a bit more "losing it"... 🤔 ...strictly for the macabre laugh factor. 💁🏻‍♂️🍻

@ButtWorldsMan - ...and lying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days... from this day to that, for one chance, JUST ONE CHANCE!... to come back here, and to tell our enemies: FUUCCCKK OFFF!!!!

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