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@Gonzo17 @rimugu - I was gonna say... 🤔 That was awfully quick! 😅😆🍻

@VeganMGTOW @LysanderMooner - I hope that Andrew Tate is Jesus's general.

The mind virus may finally be able to die.

@RodrickSage - Japan consented, and Greece consented. America would consent.

These people ceased to be my countrymen, long ago. 🥃🫗

@Scubbie - I recommend a natural setting... 🤔 Camping would be ideal. Artificial lights and human interaction with strangers and various passersby, is a recipe for disaster.

If you have anyone who can be a babysitter - keep you out of trouble, and talk you through any crazy emotional/PTSD shit that might crop up.. I would recommend that too. You may owe them a huge favor afterward. 😅

But I say: fuck it. Go for it. Take at least a big cap (I took 2.5 at 41yo - wasn't gonna miss that train). 😎👍🍻

@Scubbie - ➡️ I was with a guy who was sober, and has turned out to be a best friend. (If ever there was a doubt, this night proved it.)

I definitely needed a sober babysitter to keep me from getting arrested, or jumping off any bridges. The night started giddy & fun - like alice in wonderland shit. Then it took a brutal turn. But I made a lot of progress toward peace by the end of it - very therapeutic.

@Scubbie - I've had mushrooms on 3 occasions.

1. 18yo. They were fun, with visuals and general trippiness. I was too young to appreciate their depth.

2. 26yo. I got a bag and everyone said "be careful!!". So I took bits and bites over the course of days... and I got bupkus. Very underwhelming.

3. 41yo. Hoo-boy! These were done in a conscious effort to deal with some very heavy emotional shit. It was an ugly trip, but it did a world of good. ➡️

@shortstories - Cousin marriage was outlawed by the Catholic Church sometime in the middle ages.

Was it because of all the birth defects? Nah. Was it because the Bible said so? Nope.

The reason they did that, was because families were accumulating too much wealth. It was communist thinking that created such a taboo. And I find that funny, and sad.

@shortstories - I see in my mind's eye, early Egyptians as semetic (like Arabs, dark features & tanned bronze skin). But the Ptolemiec dynasty (of which Cleopatra was one) were light-featured, bronze skinned Greeks. Though the Egyptian populace of their time, remained semetic. 🫡🍻

@I_AmTheKnight - This was a pretty good presentation. He's clearly on his way.

@Indignation - the food looks ill, but I'd smash the female. Until she gets too fat, anyway.

@Indignation - Not gonna lie: that looks like a day well spent. 🍻

@Based_Accelerationist - Lol! 🤣 Prehistory was crazy. Everything was trial and error.

I think it was Tacitus's account, maybe Caesar mentioned it too? 🤔 Don't quote me on that.

@Based_Accelerationist - ➡️ susceptible to Christianity, due to the elevated status of their women? 🤔

I dunno... But I want to not repeat that sort of mistake in the rebuild, so a conscious effort is needed - but figuring out the direction that effort should be applied to is tough.

Germanics had a lot going for them. So yeah, just food for thought I guess, in finding that dividing line. 🍻

@Based_Accelerationist - ➡️ they might join as reinforcements if their men needed that, and they might take arms against their men if they attempted to flee.

I've been pondering if there's any sort of appreciable social-darwinian advantage to such a tactic... 🤔

But it also seems like an unmistakable sign of cuckery that reaches back into the mists of prehistory.

I don't seek to needlessly insult, but to understand. And maybe Germanic tribal culture was particularly ➡️

@Based_Accelerationist - I'm a huge history buff, and lately I've been reading/listening about the Christian conquest of Germany, the genocide of the Saxons, the tribes' early encounters with Rome, etc.

My goal is to find the good, keep it, and toss the bad - wherever either may crop up.

And something that has cropped up, is an interesting cultural practice of the old Germanic tribes. Apparently, they'd often bring their women to battle. they would be cheerleaders if their men won, ➡️

@shortstories - I think those gummy materials are meant to keep water out of the cracks... 🤔 in an effort to forestall for a while, the freeze/thaw cycle that breaks up concrete.

I have no real concrete experience, but I once read about a similar material used on Mt. Rushmore, for the same purpose.

@shortstories - I once looked up the age of the virgin Mary when she was supposed to have been knocked up by God.

Unsurprisingly, I couldn't find a source. But she was supposed to have been betrothed to Joseph at the time, and he was bringing her to his homeland when it was supposed to have happened.

But cultural practices of the time and place, would put the Virgin Mary at about 14.

Apparently, Christianity approves. 👍

@shortstories - I would build society around the family unit. The family is served by a wife/mother only having one partner. This partner should be her husband. Fucking is what causes babies to be born.

So it stands to reason, that the age of marriage should be set to whenever girls start fucking.

I would put the average of that age at 14 in the US.

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