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@Indignation - If they have a baby boom, they may need to expand. 🤔💁🏻‍♂️🍻

@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic - I mean, if it's for science... we have a responsibility to humanity.

@yishengqingwa666 @VooDooMedic - Well, this made me laugh.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall when the realization dawns. 🤔😂

@VooDooMedic - Haha! 😂😂

Thanks for sharing - brightened my day. 🍻

@sardonicsmile - Taylor Swift is trapped in 2014. 💁🏻‍♂️

@Gonzo17 - If it weren't for 3D females injecting so much Botox, sex dolls would look less lifelike. These females are helping to overcome the uncanny valley. Good on them. 😂🍻

@Gonzo17 - I'd say the spotter dropped the ball... but how would one guy even spot that? 🤔😅

@ButtWorldsMan - I'm speechless. 👀😂

Taking women's rights away is gonna be super easy - barely an inconvenience. We just need a load of men to either get out of the way, or perish first.

Regarding WNBA star Caitlin Clarke:

I've been rolling my eyes at the coverage on whatever the supposed controversy there is. It's been all over normie news for a bit, and I was pondering about how no one cares about women's sports. 🤔

Then it hit me 💡.

Maybe I'm looking at it all wrong. Maybe the WNBA is getting increased coverage, because normies have stopped watching the NBA...

Normies putting away their sports ball. 🤔 Wouldn't that be something? 🍻

@sardonicsmile - entrepreneurship isn't for everyone.

I have yet to succeed after many efforts (grew up quite poor). But I have a good feeling about my current effort (8 years in the making... bit by bit). It's just the rest of the world that seems shaky. 😅

@sardonicsmile - ➡️ Is it a loving parent that is imposing consequences out of love, and an effort to provide guidance when all else fails? (A loving husband & father in this analogy) ...or is it someone with bad intentions who will rape that child after the ass-whippping? (An offender who preys on a single mother's children, or even his own children)

A woman will employ the police state against the one with limits on himself (the loving husband and father), and submit to the other out of fear.

@sardonicsmile - The same drive that allows women to submit at all, manifests as the fear that allows such terrible outcomes to occur - even in a police state.

Speaking more generally, it's like spoiled child who finally gets their ass whipped. They act with impunity... Until the belt finally comes out. The question at that point becomes: Who is delivering that ass whipping to the spoiled child? ➡️

@sardonicsmile - Valid points.

I would just add that crazy people are out there. One such offender (prior to his offense)... tracked a mother down to the house of friends she was staying with (before my time). In the dead of night, he poured gasoline around their house with everyone inside... Quietly called the mother out, and threatened to burn the house down if she didn't comply.

She was about 19 years old, with the emotional and reasoning capacity of a woman. She complied.

@sardonicsmile - But a vindictive ex-wife would have no problem prosecuting an innocent man. And a scared woman can absolutely be intimidated into not reporting an actual offender.

And all of this, is yet another reason why women MUST NOT have rights. They are utterly incapable of protecting a family - even with a police state at their beck and call.

The mere decision required - the taking of any measure of responsibility... It's too much for them. And children suffer - and pass that on.

@sardonicsmile - In a different timeline, if women didn't have rights, they wouldn't be in charge of filing criminal complaints for rape (of child or woman). 🤔

In the two cases of female child rape I'm personally familiar with... neither offender was ever prosecuted or reported. In the time that has passed, it came out that both offenders had multiple victims.

Why? Well, my conclusion is because it was women making the decisions - aside from the offense itself, of course. 🥃

@sardonicsmile - Child support sounds fair and reasonable as a concept, upon first hearing it.

@Starprophet - "McChristians"... 🤔

That sums it up perfectly. 🧐🥃

@shortstories - I agree that is technically true. But it's more practical to take women's rights away. TWRA is something that has actually been done before, and worked.

I'll bet $100, that the idea of allowing women to have rights while holding them responsible, was exactly how the 19th amendment was sold to the male voting public. And we can see how well that has gone.

So, while it's technically possible, it falls into the category of "never gonna happen". 🫡🍻

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