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@black_pilled Pretty sure "legal immigration" will simply be amnesty + no limits on Indian h1b visa.

@Scubbie @Mr_Mister The funny part is for him to bring peace to the world is simply stopping the US from bombing other countries and holding Israel back from perpetrating worldwide terrorism.

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey Let's see how hard will Putin cuck this time around. Will he pledge money to Israel to show how sorry he is?

Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted

@NothingToSeeHere Everybody knows where the money went: look at Israel's checking account.

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Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted

Decades of jewish faculty at most major universities teaching anti-white curriculum, giving anti-white lectures, writing anti-white books, and its “freedom of speech.” A few protests against Israel being genocidal: jews are in danger! antisemitism laws!
They want us dead.

@black_pilled Based on inflation, Zion Don should give amnesty to at least 30 million this time around - probably a lot more.

Zeb 摆烂 boosted

Remember that time jewish political consultant Arthur Finkelstein was trying to get an ex TV star elected president and he came up with a catchy slogan he knew would appeal to people that thought America was going to hell... 1980?
And then they amnestied 3 million illegals.

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