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Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted

The objectively correct guide to grilling with the bros.

Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Oh, those wacky jews and their antics! :0380: When will they learn? :sewer_jew:

@EdBoatConnoisseur Was this in your country? I forget which one it is. All Central American countries kinda blend together to me. :pepe_newspaper:
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted

@Zeb @Stahesh @RoninGrey

Kinda agree actually. It would have been lame without them.

This is always the way. Watchmen (2009) was fantastic, probably the best comic book adaptation I've seen but without Rorschach it would have been just entertaining.

Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted

@Stahesh @RoninGrey

Cypher gets a bad rap, but he had some killer lines.

"You get used to it. I…I don’t even see the code. All I see is simp, leech, pussy-beggar. Hey, you uh… want a drink?"

"You see a single mom, you do what we do. Run. You run your ass off."

Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
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Zeb boosted
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