One of my hardest redpills about female nature was hearing from a friend about how his German shepherd bitch who was in heat escaped by jumping from his 1st floor balcony to mate with a dog whose scent she'd caught.
No concerns about injury, just the need to fuck.
It stuck in my head and wouldn't go away, and when I started to see that same behavior in women who are in "sport-fucking mode", I couldn't unsee it.
"White people don't care anymore" -Aaron McGruder gets brutally honest w...
Just thinking about how fucked America is when it comes to the job markets:
- Trades pay like shit and ruin your body
- Tech is gonna go through a massive cutting period when the recession hits
- Healthcare takes years to get into
- Colleges getting more expensive
- DEI and feminism ruining all workplaces
- All public-serving positions suck ass
Aaron Clarey was right, just be an accountant or software developer
This is too good to be true. Looking at this level of retardation is really something for the ages. Hahahaha 🤡 But bitcoin is somehow different they say.
Normies in all their splendor.
@Tfmonkey Might be an interesting tale for the saturday show.
Impale the jews