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Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
@LouisConde Fill everywhere with Pajeets
Economy crashes in 4 months
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Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted


In the world of tech losers, it's hard to beat Yahoo. Don't be Yahoo.

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Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted

@Zeb @mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic The Right will sign up to die for Israel after Trump is elected.

Zeb boosted
A 13 yr old was stabbed to death in England yesterday and people in the U.K. are afraid to post about it for fear of being hauled off to the gulag

White people aren't even allowed to express concern over child murder anymore

This is genocide. In the dictionary definitive sense
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Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted

@Scubbie @Zeb

When Christopher Columbus visited the Americans he brought with him Marano Sephardic Jews

Years later women started stealing people's organs

But supposedly they were sacrificing human beings before that

Zeb boosted
Every boomer who bought a house for like a dollar and it's now worth 1.5mn, is gonna get a bill for 375k for their unrealized capital gains on it. 🍿
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.