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I finally see why the Lord spoke in parables.

Most people are slow and don't listen.

But if you're willing to work for it not only will you remember it better but you'll value the wisdom more.

There are TRANNIES in Bebop too?!


So nobody was gonna tell me about the gay shit in Cowboy Bebop huh?

That's cool I see how it is

This is why I don't like localism.

People think just because they're from a place they have to support it's history.

I know people don't like to think their ancestor died for nothing but they did.

Just look a vietnam. What a waste of human life

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I like Ryan Dawson but his stance on the confederacy makes no sense.

You can't rep a treasonous flag and call yourself a patriot SMH

@basedbagel it's just a thought terminating cliche. Like when the jew shit started a few months ago, TFM engaged in the same low IQ tactics by accusing everyone of liking jew cum. Say anything positive about jews or israel and that's it, your mouth is full of dreidel dick. End of thought.

Same when leftists just call you racist. It takes many forms & is always intellectually lazy if it replaces an argument. It's ultimately about wanting to get a point across without engaging merits.

This dickrider psy-op has to stop.

Just because you agree with some a man's ideas doesn't make you a dickrider.

Some jootard just called me a TFM dickrider for clarifying a point he made that he twisted to fit his own agenda.

Never mind the fact we've disagreed on things plenty of times.

I'm convinced all this dickrider shit is just to stop men from working together.

Never ask a man his salary

A woman her age

A PS3 owner his favorite game

What is the appeal of muscular women?

They're right up there with goth hoes as a top 5 boner killer for me.

I even saw some boomer take on reddit:

"We verify age for cigs/alchohol, why not porn?"

Boomers don't understand that banning online porn is technologically infeasible.

And even if you could they would just go to twitch or youtube where they have nonsense like naked yoga.

I wish they would pass legislation to take women's rights away instead of worrying about porn

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Why can't people just parent their damn kids?

If you want the state to parent your kids you may as well change their last name to USA because that's who owns them.

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So a few states have passed laws requiring age verification to access 18+ material.

I have mixed feelings on this.

One one hand I don't think its good that kids have such easy access to porn as it can cause some serious damage.

On the other hand I see this as a step towards ending online anonymity with the classic "think of the children" excuse.

What do you guys think?

I understand mastodon is where communities big tech doesn't like goes (Nazis, pedos, racists)

But what's with all the porn?

Last I checked porn was allowed on twitter with a content warning.

Also if I do watch should I go Dub or Sub.

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Should I try watching Cowboy bebop again?

I tried watching it years ago but god bored and dropped it after a couple episodes.

I enjoyed Samurai Champloo but other than angel cop I haven't watched anime in years.

These days I'm busy so if I watch a show it has to be worth it.

@basedbagel @Zerglingman @VeganMGTOW @YoMomz

Yes, the evil done to children with no choice is the truly unforgiveable part in all of this.

Keep in mind he was marketed as this Black man breaking barriers.

Let's be real, he really didn't do much for black people but he sure went hard for the LGBT folks.

He may be backed by some rich gays like Peter Theil but I still stand by my theory.

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Hot take:

I think Obama was gay.

I know everyone talks about Michelle but hear me out.


Helped legalize gay marriage

Repealed don't ask don't tell allowing fags to openly join the military.

Tried to force countries around the world to support LGBT.

Alot more:

Why go so hard for a community you aren't apart of? 🤔

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A club for red-pilled exiles.