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One of my pet peeves is lazy ass envious people.

If you busted your ass and someone passed you up with minimal effort I can see how a little envy could creep in.

But if all you did was sit on your LAZY ASS and have the nerve to be angry with dilligent people go to hell!

How dare you be angry at someone for doing what you couldn't be bothered to do?!

The ultimate problem is that people feel more than think. They do what feels good rather than what is right, and those who can resist and overcome this impulse are too few in number to ever become the basis of a society.

So we are doomed to base society off of the needs of the stupid, lazy, weak, and resentful, because there are far too many of them and not enough of us.

This is why wise men fucked off to live in the mountains by the way.

@basedbagel thank you for sharing dear brother ,

1 room mate dead heart attack

2 relatives dead hearrt attack

friends working in fucktory have
to sign paper "no hearrt problems" on each shift

massive un natural aka prion brain decoherance in logistics sector , all major players.

@basedbagel @YoMomz @VeganMGTOW

Having a family is the sticking point. I hear you, you should want a family.

But there is absolutely no arguing - you either live in a patriarchal community that has a plan for dealing with female nature on steroids, or you place you and your children's fate entirely in the hands of a woman who will statistically end the LARP for no good reason and destroy everything.

Or you move to a patriarchal country.

Nail that to a wall because it's the plain truth.

In 2024 I'm done with the race talk.

The only superior race is the unvaccinated.

Any update on the vax casualties?

Here's my total so far:

0 deaths

1 heart attack

1 brain aneurism/stroke

3-5 hospitalizations

ALOT of people got sick this winter too.

I hypothesize this tired ass "generational divide" bullshit is a way for sociologists to justify their job.

Yes pre and post internet made a big difference but people are taking it way too far.

The next person to tell me about how Gen Z this vs Milennial that is getting crane kicked.

Enough is enough

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Dividing people up by "generations" makes no sense to me.

Most of the people who I relate most to both online and in person are WAY older than me.

Values, Interests, Goals >>>>>> Year you were born.

"Groundwork For The Metaphysics Of MGTOW"
AKA Marcus, is posting again.
One of the OG's

If you had any "New Years Resolutions" just forget it. You should have been making changes to your life before some arbitrarily decided calendar date and all that. Most people who make such resolutions abandon them the moment the feelgood rush wears out and they find out that they never wanted to commit to real changes.

When I started getting into lifting, it was not due to some resolution around a new year. It was at some time when I realized I should be making myself stronger.

This year will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the year I finally started my 4 figure business.

Wishing you all the best in 2024!

Here's my Angel Cop review.


1. The commies were the enemies!

2. Angel's character development

3. Mature themes explored well.

4. Witty banter was funny.

5. Soundtrack was good.

6. Girls were cute


1. There were some plot holes that didn't make any sense but given it's an OVA and not a full series I cut it some slack

2. My favorite character died.😢

3. Feminist undertones.

Overall I recommend it if you're into sci-fi anime. Good recommendation! @ugly_bastard_reborned

@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo a layoff allows you to get unemployment a fireing is contested

It hasn't happened since and will probly never happen again but I wanted to share so people know anything is possible.

The only other women that have apologized to me are related to me.

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True Storytime:

I was at work with a girl was upset with me for not doing something she asked me to do for her.

The thing is she never bothered to CHECK if I had and was talking a bunch of shit to another coworker and acting strange.

Upon realizing the error in her ways she said she was sorry TWICE!

I was so shocked that I couldn't even answer. I just said "Uhh ok" and just sat down in disbelief.

I know it sounds insane because it's so rare but I swear it's a true story:

@ugly_bastard_reborned I'm 1 episode into angel cop and there's a bitch who saves a man and has better instincts, and survives a car crash when the man can't

I't may be anti commie but its DEFINITELY PRO women.


Definitely. Those guys are doing everyone a solid service.

In FDroid, you can add the newpipe repo so that you get new versions quicker.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.