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I respect the Taliban more than American fathers.

The Taliban had their way of life threatened by the world's most powerful military and fought tooth and nail until they won and took their women's rights away.

American fathers let their kids get poisoned and have their money stolen via the court system and obese women and they gave in with little to no resistance

The future will bring only happiness if we picture happiness

If you spray poo-pouri (or any essential oil you want) in your toliet before you take a noxious shit the oils create a barrier in the water so that it doesn't smell like death

I just found out that there are private child support agencies contracted by the Gov to make sure men pay up.

I also found out that judges make a commission when they rule in favor of child support.

Alot more hands in the cookie jar than I thought.

I'm NEVER having kids in the US.

@UncleIroh I found the red pill in Mashle.

I'm on ep 5 and it's already cracking me up

You guys I just had a terrible nightmare where a basic bitch was all over me until she found out I was unvaccinated.

Crazy part is it took me minute to determine if it was real or fake.

Oh and how could I forget being in great shape means you're WAY less likely to have some bitch report you for sexual harassment.

To clarify I don't mean legit sexual harassment. I mean when you approach a woman who's too cowardly to reject you so she cries SA to get you to fuck off

It's a shame I even had to say that SMH

GODDAMN I hate wordgames!

7. All of a sudden your nerdy hobbies don't matter as much as they used to.

8. Gay guys are attracted to the same things women are so be prepared.

9. I'm still mentally the same nerd but I'm as less competent in my field for some reason.

10. People are more accommodating of your social awkwardness.

I kind of sympathize with blackpillers a bit disturbing that it took years in the gym to be treated with common human decency but it is what it its.


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This is going to sound like I'm flexing but hear me out.

I went from a skinny fat guy to being in the best shape of my life.

Here's what I've noticed.

1. Online dating went from totally useless to bearable.

2. People are much more respectful.

4. Surprisingly you get more compliments from women than men because men understand the sacrifice it took .

5. I still get rejected alot but hoes are nowhere near as rude anymore.

6. Women actually approach me every now and again. 1/2



Soundtrack was🔥

Animation holds up well

The fight scenes were great (Pierrot was my favorite)


The show is slow AS HELL especially at the beginning. So slow I had to drop it and pick it up years later to finish it

Character backstories aren't as fleshed out well so I didn't care what happened to any of them.

There's no overarching storyline/plot so you could watch all episodes out of order and It wouldn't make a difference

The dub sucks


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Ok I finished Cowboy Bebop and overall I give it a Watch Samurai Champloo instead/10

Probly won't rewatch anything but the last 5 episodes.

I watched the 1st 20 episodes subbed and was bored af

I also noticed they changed some of words in the dub that IMO made the dialog more intersting and mature.

Also Faye in the hub was a 1-dimensional annoying cunt but in the sub she was much more bearable.


Good news! @ugly_bastard_reborned

I switched from Cowboy Bebop Dub to Sub and I'm FINALLY entertained after 20 episodes or boredom.

I will finish the series tonight and post my review soon.

Persuasion isn't pointless, but reason isn't shit when pitted against a system that will crush you. They've been persuaded.

@basedbagel 99% of them are lying when they say their kids were going to starve. The vast majority could've afforded to look for a job on the side. And even if they couldn't, they still made their choice to sacrifice the long term for the short term. Maybe their kids will eat better now, but they'll be slaves in the future.
The only thing normies will stand up for, is their collective safety. They'll wear the jackboots and send you to the camps.

You can't persuade the weakness out of people.

@fal1026 @basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @ugly_bastard_reborned @YoMomz

I agree with all of that.

For me, the private/public boundary still exists. I'm willing to not set fire to faggots who keep their degeneracy far the fuck away from everyone else, especially children.

Put them on a register and stop them from having kids? 100%

The moment they choose to cross that boundary into public shamelessness or advocacy, it's time for extreme prejudice.

I hate when people try dismiss my arguments by taking things to extreme.

Me: If a critical mass of us refuse the vax, they'll have to drop the mandate. Just say no

Normie: Oh so you're asking me to lose my job, get divorced and have my kids starved for some conspiracy theory?

NO you braindead normie I'm asking you to stand for something for once in your life!

I'm beginning to think all persuasion is pointless, just get power and force people to do the right thing.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.