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@deprecated_ii I am not shocked that enrollment is declining and that it is mostly men opting out, but I have to wonder what the most prominent factors are for this.

Is the college being better recognized as a farce? Are the men realizing that the "college is just one big party" propaganda is meaningless if you struggle with women regardless? Or are the guys being priced out by women getting more money showered while they are expected to pay (an even greater) full price?

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LindaCollins11 @justnormalkorean

>Most "covid" seems to be the flu these days

It was often just the flu during 2020 too. Unless you are stupid enough to believe that it just "disappeared" in 2020.

@sj_zero 2020 was a bit more of a special case, not only in the amount of fraud but how obvious it was. Having 4 swing states with 4:00 am ballot drops/updates while making sure that any observers they could kick out due to "covid restrictions" were kept from seeing anything.

I also recall in 2008 AL Franken having more votes "found" to win his senate race. So the fraud is definitely been a long running thing.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Terry reads like a snopes debunking
>Saying it's 55% is wrong
>It's only 46.5% bigot

@Stahesh @Brianhere Are you assuming this story is true? But of course, no one would lie on the internet, especially not on 4chan!

Also, even if the sperm would survive in those conditions, she would have to be putting that body wash somewhere very specifically. And I really, really doubt that would happen either.

So safe to say the story is fake. Or the guy is an idiot if he actually did this and thought he was the father here.

@Rasterman @ArdainianRight An alternative to not having protestors removed when they are blocking traffic is this. This may not be a typical occurrence, but it is a possibility. And it is an even greater possibility if it were not for the very police that those lefties hate that are there to arrest anyone who would do as this man did.

@deprecated_ii Yep. It turns out the strategy really does not work. I have seen it discussed in reverse, with Democrats trying to flip low population red states blue. But just think about the type of people who would be needed for this strategy to work. Do you think they would be able to manage living in an area outside of the "hustle and bustle" of their "dynamic" big cities (such as in pic related)? They would absolutely hate their lives.

@deprecated_ii This was done on a smaller scale with New Hampshire and the Free State Project. Though they were "libertarians" heading it up (if that really means anything) so their numbers were probably too small anyways.

Most people do not move somewhere just so they can "vote" every 2 or 4 years. They move for very different and better reasons. Besides, if your gambit fails, you have to invest a whole lot of time and money to live somewhere you hate.

@DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan It is relevant as some men will think just because they are smarter than women on average that being selective on a woman's intelligence is not important. I don't mean she has to be a genius or "on your level," but rather that she should at least have some intellectual competence if you are seeking a wife. Average would still qualify.

Women who think "I would be treated better and be respected if I were a man" do not understand that men do not automatically get respect. It has to be earned. Women, on the other hand, get better treatment than most men do just for being women. They do not have the perspective of what it would mean to earn respected status.

But they are correct that they sense that they are not held as at high of esteem as the top men. Because we all know they did not need to put in effort for most of them.

@ButtWorldsMan Remember the "Debt Free Virgins without Tattoos" term? This is why the Debt Free part is important. Debt is a liability, and it affects your overall financial status. And with her having 100K in what is probably a fluff degree, there is no way that she is all that intelligent and thus a bad marriage prospect.

And before I hear "men are smarter than women," there is still an intelligence range for both men and women, and choosing a woman on the left end the bell curve is foolish.

@DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan Indeed. If Russia and other major powers come out ahead, they can indeed keep these records as what will be known as the truth. Do you think our current Big GAE clown world order is going to be able to focus on making sure they keep their own propaganda consistent when the power starts going out and the people get pissed off enough to revolt?

@ButtWorldsMan I see this as a possible ploy to try and dampen Trump's popularity, as I suspect they expect these rulings to be overturned. Meanwhile, they can use the "If a judge and several lawsuits said he was dangerous, it means he is!"

I don't know if that is the plan or if it is a good one, but this does not demonstrate that they see themselves able to stand on their own competence.

Colorado was just meant to start the trend. The regime is very shook.

For context, understand that polls show Trump doing well even in swing states. Concern over the economy & the reality of real world price inflation (not the faggot government statistic) that people actually see in their costs is at the top of people's minds during this election. Dems know if economic circumstances are bad, people vote against the incumbent. The desperation is real. They're just blatantly rigging the election

Something that was pointed out recently was that the idea that Third Worlders want to come to White countries because they're nicer to live in fail to fully acknowledge that the reason they are like that is because the environment was deliberately made nicer to live in. Diseases were eradicated through public policies and as a result endemic pathogens like Yellow Fever and Malaria were​ removed from the environment. Virginia went from a place where 20% of the population died in the summer during colonization from malaria to just a nice place to live because of pesticides and draining wetlands. With uncontrolled immigration reintroducing diseases wiped out decades, sometimes centuries prior, things can revert back really quickly.
When people are like "Oh, we're making sure we make banned books available to little kids!", I always think "Banned books like Mein Kampf?"

@Aether And while he may not be someone who should have marriage, I cannot blame him for looking at things as he does with our current system. Get government out of marriage entirely (or at least the bullshit divorce laws) and you can have marriage working as intended.

Ideally, you would trust the woman you want to marry. But there is no reason to give her a "get out of marriage with cash and prizes button" in the first place.

@Aether >has 100k in student loans

She is already a bad prospect because of this. A woman who takes on a ton of debt and is unable to pay it off is simply a liability in not just her debt, but her financial choices. That kind of debt is no accident. She either went to a way too expensive school and/or took out the max loans while refusing to work while doing college. And probably for some meme degree too.

The "debt-free" part of the "debt-free virgins without tattoos," very important.

@Shadowman311 This is why there was so much emphasis on women marrying early so that they would not become "Old Maids." When you ask normies today if Old Maids still are still in our society today, they will probably answer, "Of course not!" But still we see the same thing with women not marrying when they have the best chance of securing a husband, only to find out later that they did not have "all the time in the world."

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