On the note of immigration, anyone who talks about immigrants coming here for "freedom" needs to get their head checked. Most people coming to the USA do so for economic reasons. They have no love for any American values (or what is left of them) or have a strong desire to become Americans culturally.
Not saying America is all that great now with our corrupt government wanting to compel everyone to their faggotry by gunpoint, but if you are moving to a country, do so for the right reasons.
"America is such a racist country," which is why people of so many races from around the world go through great lengths (legal and illegal) to get into this country.
Either the country is not all that racist or the people coming here do not seem to think that it is enough of a problem for them.
Not that the word "racist" means jack all these days. It is only used to browbeat whites in order to get more money from them.
@PinochetsCommieCopter My theory is that they going to say that if anyone who opposes this sexual deviancy agenda are "just like the Nazis." Because it was indeed the Nazis who put a stop to this.
So that leaves people with a decision. What do they do when they are accused of being a Nazi when they oppose degeneracy? Go to the standard "but I'm not a Nazi" response? Stop caring about the label? Or maybe something else entirely?
@Eiswald @imperiumpress Whether feminism continues or not in countries like South Korea is not able to be realized if the US is going to export their progressive faggotry to all countries it exerts control over. Only after the US is no longer a major factor can countries have real self determinism on policies such as feminism and butt sex. Because I really doubt most countries are organically deciding these things on their own.
@Eiswald @imperiumpress to an extent, yes. Though there is still the problem of birth rates being far too low and staying low for too long. Immigration is a false remedy as it does not fix the native fertility rate as well as the fact that it is demographic replacement.
What needs to be done is deal with the root of the issue, which is feminism/female empowerment. But with the Big GAE having too much influence, that problem cannot be addressed properly until the US stops screwing with the world
@sardonicsmile This is not quite correct, as babies do not really have freedom. They "do what they want" and generally do not get punished, but most parents are necessarily restrictive with what their babies can do.
A baby can do whatever in a playpen, but that baby is still unable to leave that playpen. Same thing applies in every other setting a baby would be in.
This is regardless of how things break down. Be it balkanization or factional conflicts between 2 or more groups trying to control everything, we need to have people see a major change in how they are living and a lack of desire to maintain the status quo, as starving and being deprived of many modern conveniences is not an acceptable status quo.
Rising prices and a gradual decrease in standard of living is acceptable, even if it sucks. It is not an existential threat to your life.
Just think about your typical American. They go to work on a regular basis, get food from their grocery store, and do a variety of things with their free time, be it spend it with friends/family or on some hobbies. This means most people have some sense of normalcy in their lives.
When it comes to a civil war, it is a point of no return, where normal no longer exists. Most people still have their comforts and routines that they would not wish to deviate from in favor of major chaos.
Any talk about civil war in the US should not be considered seriously until we get to a point where actual suffering and hardship is taking place. Even with our economy being a dumpster fire (despite the propaganda insisting otherwise), things are really no where near bad enough.
When we have actual issues like food shortages, energy shortages, and any other shortages, then we have real potential for people to actually be ready for some sort of action.
NICE GUYS WIN LATER (AKA LOSING) https://youtube.com/shorts/cLFJR2OM_Lk?si=_5Nzy3y8OWoptnfj
@WashedOutGundamPilot If she is indeed fat, that's not helping either. But I have seen fat women get relationships/marriage, so even that is not an automatic disqualifier these days.
That may be a statement that shows men's standards being too low in many cases, but it shows that a woman really has to try hard to willfully avoid seeking marriage when she claims to want it.
It seems too few women take husband hunting seriously. Especially when they have the best chance to get one (in their 20s)
@WashedOutGundamPilot Either her parents did her a disservice by not telling her that "focusing on her education" is not a good plan if you want marriage at a reasonable age or she is just an idiot thinking that she is "traditional" while looking to become a doctor while leaving no time for dating.
I am baffled that any woman can somehow find no time to husband hunt when she claims that she wants to be married and have children in her life. There is time, if you make it.
@justnormalkorean Poe's law in action. The fact that leftists themselves have a hard time determining who are their true believers and who is just seeking to make them look like fools. It does not help that they will frequently contradict themselves in their joke of an ideology. Though when their actual ideology is just wanting to get provided for while giving nothing in return, every part of their "principles" is just "will this give me what I want for as little effort on my end as possible?"
@markcuban @basedbagel @shortstories @dictatordave The food has potential energy. Which can be measured in calories. I don't care if it can "use" all the calories or not or if other things technically have calories, it still is a close enough of a measure to tell you if you are going to get more energy from one food versus another food. You get fat when you eat too many calories, you lose weight when you eat a lower amount of calories than homeostasis.
@markcuban @basedbagel @shortstories @dictatordave I find that it is more accurate to say that fat people miscount the number of calories they take in (e.g. not counting a Starbucks coffee chock full of sugar). And they often claim that calories is bogus because they insist that they eat well (but don't).
Yes, your body will not be able to use every single calorie in the food you eat. But if you eat under the amount of food your body needs to maintain the current weight, you will lose weight.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.