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Can't take credit for finding this. Though I did check to see that it was a recent post, and it was (2 days ago).

Is this just a shill post attempting to get others to go over and fight for Ukraine, or a genuine idiot who would actually throw his life away because he is stupid enough to believe the globohomo media that he would be "fighting for democracy?"

Could go either way, but it reflects a sad mindset either way.

@deprecated_ii I found that every one of my "computer skills" classes (i.e. just teaching you how to type like we still use typewriters) in high school to not only be completely useless, but were also an inferior way to get me to learn how to type efficiently.

I became much faster at typing when I started programming. Probably because the typing had a purpose for once rather than "how many words per minute can you get without making a typo?"

"Computer skills" sucked.

@Gonzo17 Just what did you expect? Unless you plan on being normie friendly as possible, Youtube is going to be a bad platform to use. EVeryone who wants to play nice with Youtube is using the terms "unalive" and "grape" just to keep in the good graces of Youtube.

@Bianca "But they are not foreigners! They are just as British as fish and chips!"

Filling out paperwork is not the same thing as being a native to an area. I am sure most of the people in the picture would fail my test for patriotism of the United Kingdom.

Granted, "failure" is not necessarily bad for my test, but it shows that being a citizen is meaningless for a lot people.

I think a lesson of history in the future is that patriotism is a good indicator of whether or not your country will last. If people do not love their country, why would they fight for it? Countries that still have patriotism are far more likely to persist than those without. I see the destruction of patriotism as a major mistep by the Cathedral, as they have no means to sustain themselves if the citizens are apathetic about maintaining their own country.

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I see mass immigration as a strong factor that weakens the sense of patriotism for the people who are the traditional heritage citizens of that country. Just what is the point of being a patriot and loving your country if entry for many foreign people is allowed, many of which are only there for economic reasons and do not share or worse, oppose your values. What is the point of your country if it is just a place to make money?

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I can also expect that many people living in their own countries with ancestors living there for generations might take the deal of renouncing their citizenship as well. This is because many people (rightly) do not have a sense of patriotism for a country that no longer reflects their values and principles. Many countries are now more or less economic zones with an ever increasing list of laws that make life worse and are contradictory to their own values.

America, I am looking at you here.

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I am willing to bet the vast majority of 1st, 2nd, and likely even 3rd generation immigrants would not qualify as patriots under this standard. And I say fair enough, I don't blame them.

But it should make everyone think about who is coming to their countries to live there and whether or not they are coming for the proper reasons. Having a higher standard of living for yourself is not enough of a reason to justify immigration from many countries.

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I have a patriotism test that can apply for all countries:

The test: If an enemy power declared war on the country you reside in, but stated that they would spare anyone who renounces/denies citizenship of that country, would you stand and fight, or would you forfeit your right to citizenship?

For this test, you have a 1/4 chance of dying and a 1/2 chance that your country will lose the war regardless of your efforts. Do you love the country you live in enough?

@shortstories I will not oppose that proposal. But the question I will have for every "forgive my student debt" person I will ask is whether or not colleges should necessarily be more selective about who is admitted and if they themselves had any business going to college in the first place.

I have doubts that they would accept that they had no business going to higher education at all.

@Twoinchdestroya @Shadowman311 I don't think there will be any choice made to cut off aid, as that choice will be made for us when Western countries decline. Not saying that we should not be cutting off aid by choice, but rather that it will happen one way or another.

When you see shit like this, you understand just how brain rotted the current managerial class really is.

@DW2 Seeing all this "step down now Biden" talk has me thinking. Clearly Biden is not in charge, so just what is going on?

I see this as an internal power struggle, where the "Biden" camp are just the current string pullers (e.g. members of his cabinet and some shadow lurkers) are trying to keep a hold of power versus other factions of the Democrats who see the opportunity to make a power play.

Frankly, they should have planned Biden to be a one term President regardless.

@DW2 I remember the days of Most Extreme Elimination. Just the kind of stupid humor that appeals to the base nature of men. I think Spike TV has not been around for a while (not that I have cable or satellite to watch it). Just shows that men can never have their own thing for long. At least, Spike TV was supposed to be about specifically appealing to men.

@shortstories So many complaints by my generation (millennials) regarding boomers is not based on a principle but rather that they are not able to get what the boomers got. Too many millennials are asking for their student loans to be forgiven, but they do not conceptualize the college system itself as a problem. Just that it is not free for them. Ironic, as it was the boomers that pushed them into college in the first place.

@caekislove in a twisted way it is true, as many people have had to be more cautious, on guard, and be ready for violence and conflict as a result of diversity. That is, those that have a survival instinct.

But that is not what anyone wants, so it certainly is not "better."

@DoubleD @Zeb the political compass is flawed anyways, as claims that someone who is "libertarian left" can exist. A lot of the questions on the site are flawed anyways, as I have found the premises of many questions to have biased assumptions behind them, as well as questions that have nothing to do with how you align politically.

Though the individual categories here are great on their own, though not as placements on a compass, just as you stated.

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