Had a big brain moment this evening. I needed to get a new shirt ironed, and I found the ironing board, but I could not find the iron.
But then I thought for a moment, what is an iron? In the end, it's just a warm piece of metal. So I took out a metal pan, heated it on the stove, and used the hot pan as my iron. And it worked, problem solved.
@sardonicsmile "Your team" was not you, but the people mocking Vance. My point was that the people that mock Vance do not consider Zuckerberg or Bezos as being someone who presents as right-leaning.
Vance would be mocked because he would be considered a race traitor in their eyes. And he has the spotlight. I remember Jeb getting a ton of mockery for his wife being a "goblina," so Vance is not entirely unique.
@sardonicsmile Vance is someone in the spotlight, as I do recall many of the same people mocking Vance would be the same type that I recall mocking Jeb Bush and McConnell regarding their wives.
As for others, Zuckerberg and Bezos were not (supposedly) conservative political figures, so they would not be mocked in this way. No point in purity testing those who are not trying to be on "your team."
@Stahesh "She" will go from a -10 to a -1 out of ten if successful. Because Gorlock will go from being a fat man pretending to be a woman to just being a man pretending to be a woman.
@Gonzo17 It is one thing to be in an open marriage (bad enough). It is a whole lot worse to have your "wife" make a video like this broadcasting it to the world. I use the quotes because the way I see it if your "marriage" is "open" you are no longer abiding by the covenant of marriage. Not that it is sacred anymore with our current policies, but in practical terms it is not a marriage.
This is a good example of why men are choosing not to get married.
Funny thing about the Trump assassination attempt, there is already a whole lot of speculation asking what is really going on. A gay-op that failed, or is Trump surviving the assassination attempt the gay-op itself?
We no longer live in a time where we can trust that events playing out are authentic and heterosexual, because we cannot trust our own government, media, and other powers to not be fake and gay themselves.
Whenever I see any talk about "inflation going down" or "deflation is coming," I get why this propaganda is being put out, but it is completely retarded if you understand that even a slight decrease in prices or a slowing of inflation is not going to help much.
It is like going from 60 mph to 90 mph and then hitting the breaks a little to go 85 instead. "See, we are slowing down now!" The going slower by 5 mph is not as important to factor in the long term when 60 was previously the norm.
@shortstories >but these charts do not always work in real life as your case demonstrated
Yep, that was the part that has me puzzled. But I get that these calculations and progression are not always going to be 100% reflective of what happens in practice.
Doing overhead press, trying to up my numbers. I was recently able to do 145 lbs for 5 reps, so I figured I try with 150 lbs. I only get 3 reps. Not sure why I could not at least get 1 more rep, but I am not upset by this outcome. I remember when I could not even do a 1 plate overhead press for 1 rep.
@Mr_Mister @Zeb I recall some people have reported offers to buy their reddit username for the purposes of shilling. That way people who look at the post history will not see a month old account that is an obvious shill but rather a totally legit user that has not been bought off.
I would not be shocked if that happened here.
@Fullmetal2255 "Austin" is a faggot, and this guy should have told Austin that unlike him, he has a loving and supportive wife. This is a good response even if Austin is married, because it puts into question the dynamic of his own marriage.
And bring some lunchables to give to Austin and tell him that it a fitting meal for his mental age.
@sickburnbro Yes. And the perfect example of this can be seen with the W. Bush presidency and the Obama presidency. The same people that hated Bush loved Obama even when most of his hopey-changey promises never got fulfilled. But he made them feel warm and fuzzy inside, so that apparently is enough for them.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.