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@deprecated_ii Harry Potter was a series of books meant entertain children (and later teens as the "audience grew up"). There is not nearly enough depth in those books to warrant a whole class. Or are colleges so watered down that this is considered rigourous enough for today's students?

Not that most reading/writing/English classes are really all that impressive either, but at least there was pretense of having some writing that had greater substance than that which appeals to tweenage girls.

@houseoftolstoy @Terry Women don't need marriage when they can vote for the state to become their husband.

@Terry >noncommital men who won't propose

It should not be difficult for women just to cease any relationship with a man who does not want to propose. If women valued their fertility window more, they would understand that they need to waste no time with any man who does not want marriage.

My own wife told me if I took too long to propose, she would have ended things. There would not have been a "where is this relationship going" conversation. She just would have left. So it is possible.

@Terry And when I say men are the reason, they are just using their power of backing out from a bad deal, as the risk is far higher for a lesser reward. Women are making the risks worse and the rewards less.

As men, the power to say no to marriage is the one thing they have left to do. Women need to give men a better deal if they want to see marriage come back to a better place. This needs to take place both with removing bad laws and better behavior from women.

@Terry >Witnessing more divorces than weddings

And whose fault is that? Mostly women, as they by and large initiate the divorces.

>dissolution of the social structures that make marriage stable and advantageous

Again, women are the reason. They demanded easier divorces, make their own marriages less stable with their past promiscuity and increased demands while providing less benefits to men.

Though men are the reason marriage is not happening in the end, because of women like this.

@MaleGoddess And yes, immigration is an issue too. Though it is also part of the downstream effect of feminism. Feminism brought on the low birth rates, and politicians used immigration as a "solution." Though it of course just makes things worse as it does not bring up native rates and further prices out the people already on the edge who cannot afford to have a family.

But first and foremost, feminism needs to be rolled back to have real solutions.

@MaleGoddess Increased costs of living are more of a downstream effect of a bigger issue: feminism. Women vote for more and more welfare, which increases the tax burdens and increases costs of living across the board. Women working (often in bs makework jobs) creates dual income traps where everyone is working just to pay more for the same housing. And women themselves are refusing to seek marriage in their most fertile years, leading to less possible children.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @GoodBoyUV The same people who think "going to the gym" means you are fit also think that going to college means you are intelligent. It should also be evident that a college degree is also not a good barometer for intelligence, given the number of people complaining that they should have their student loans forgiven.

@ButtWorldsMan "I forgave myself for cheating." What a statement, showing on full display how solipsistic she is. No mention of her apologizing to him or anything like that.

And there was another part where the tranny talked about how the black population in Detroit was screw over by the local government due to them artificially inflating values of homes to increase property taxes in order to remove residents.

Who do you think runs the government for the City of Detroit? I guarantee they are all Democrats, and I would not be shocked many of them were black too.

He does not bring up that detail, no surprise.

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Other silly things in this video include "The World Economic Forum is one of the most capitalist organizations there is" when it's chairman Klaus Scwhab is advocating for "stakeholder capitalism," which is just communism with a flimsy mask that calls itself capitalist. I have read his book The Great Reset, you deluded tranny. His ideas are by no means capitalist as their implementation would only take place with a heavy government hand.

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Did some hate watching of this video. Lots of leftist bullshit involved, but this part was peak irony. So the man who thinks himself a woman is discussing the topic of phantasms, something your mind does when dealing with contradictions by producing outlandish explanations.

Yes, the tranny is telling you that the "conspiracy theorists" are crazy while "she" is completely sane while larping as a woman. And he tries to throw it back by attacking those who do not accept tranny bullshit ideology.

@Zeb @Stahesh Yes, there will always be parrots saying what others have said. Though I will give credit if those repeating what others already said recognized the wisdom from someone else and found it worth stealing. Not everyone steals good ideas. Some people steal terrible ones.

And unfortunately many ears will be more interested just because a woman said it. Such is life.

@GoodBoyUV @WashedOutGundamPilot It is easy to "go to the gym every day" if all you are doing is the elliptical machines. The perfect "exercise" that feels effortless because it literally is.

And of course nobody cares about how often you claim to do something. It is the results that matter. Same with the "I eat so healthy" people who claim being fat is just genetics. Clearly, the words do not match the results.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @GoodBoyUV I am sorry you subscribed to something as piss poor of an excuse for a gym as Planet Fitness. I find that Anytime Fitness is a far better gym to have a membership for if you are frequent traveler. I have always been able to find squat racks/power cages at every location I have been to for them. I see that as essential as you can do most real exercises with at least that.

And no Planet Fitness, a Smith machine is not a squat rack.

Looks like the results are concluded. With the sample size that is totally scientific, it seems most men would be fine with such an arrangement. But I am willing to bet that most women would not be fine with this, even if they virtue signal that they would be.

But in the end, the faggots arguing that "men should embrace other roles" fail to understand that men would be fine accepting roles such as stay-at-home husband. It is the women who do not want this. So maybe lay off the men for once?

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Looks like the results are concluded. With the sample size that is totally scientific, it seems most men would be fine with such an arrangement. But I am willing to bet that most women would not be fine with this, even if they virtue signal that they would be.

But in the end, the faggots arguing that "men should embrace other roles" fail to understand that men would be fine accepting roles such as stay-at-home husband. It is the women who do not want this. So maybe lay off the men for once?

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Just saw a billboard ad from Planned Parenthood that said "LGBTQ children deserve proper sex educuation." I am not even sure what that is supposed to mean, but I have my guesses. And my guesses are that that graph on "what will happen if gay marriage is passed" pie graph is wrong and any lefty faggots that claim "the slippery slope is a FALLACY" are either stupid or liars.

Because if they are not teaching gay sex in schools, then why would it make a difference how it is taught?

@caekislove it is already a hard sell for many men to consider dating a single mom. No men prefer that, but some accept it if they have no better options. But her having a mixed race child makes it a far harder sell, as everyone in the world will know that the man is not the father of the child. No man wants to broadcast to the world that he is a cuck, so it is no shock that this becomes a deal breaker.

Though frankly, her being a single mom in general should be the dealbreaker.

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