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Theory: when NPR reports on a "conspiracy theory" it's 100% true and is a signal for NPR-tribe to ignore something with all power, because it's true and the evidence is irrefutable.

Better advice is indeed more universal, and most cases less specific.

For making money, I think it is important to look for something that you are capable of doing competently that will give you a good return on your investment (i.e. pays well and gives you enough time away from work). Along with that, it should be something that you do not completely hate doing (I think it is a mistake to tell people that they should love the job they are working in order to find happiness).

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This applies to other ways people suggest making money, such as real estate/rental properties.

Not everyone is going to navigate selling/renting out property as well as those who did find success. Their success might not even be fully attributed to their own skills alone, as they might have hit a good streak of sales that cannot be counted on at all times.

And not everyone wants to be on the hook for maintaining rental properties either (not always going to be easy "passive income").

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One problem I have when any individual gives advice is that they often assume that their advice can be universally applied. Often, their advice requires circumstances that assumes something unique is more universal.

"If you want to make good money in a reliable career, learning to code is the way to go!"

This assumes that everyone is even capable of doing this (too many people are indeed too stupid) or that it will be a job that they would want to stick with.

Whether or not the charges against Trump are a complete bullshit witch hunt or not, I have come to realize I do not care about the outcome. What will change? It is not as if him being charged is going to prevent him from winning the presidential election. That will already happen regardless with the "election securing" by the Democrats.

Perhaps it will give the left some bread and circuses. I have similar thoughts if the left decides to throw Biden under the bus in the future. It means nothing.

@Tfmonkey I know you said you were over the whole Destiny "debate," but if you have not seen this, it should further confirm that debating the likes of Destiny is a waste of time.

Yes, you heard that right. Destiny needs an article to tell him what to think instead of determining the meaning that is plain as day in front of him. What a tool.

Another thing I will mention is that a "lack of childcare services" are to blame for a low birthrate. Bullshit too. I remember seeing a morning news show discussing the low birth rate in South Korea saying they just need more childcare services (often government provided).

Again, I will ask anyone to give me their best example of a country with these childcare services they want. Most likely, their birth rate is below replacement rate too. So that is not the problem either.

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Every normie who blames economic conditions for low birth rates or anything related to economics needs to be confronted with questions about which country has the best economic conditions? And then you look up the birth rate. Chances are, the birth rate will be low in spite of the great economic conditions.

Repeat the process if they try to name a different country.

Also, there is never going to be the perfect economic conditions that will raise the birth rate. Because that is not the problem.

To get some perspective on what the libshit normies are getting for info, I find NPR a good source for that end. Today, they were discussing the meeting with Russia and China.

Some talking points from a faggot "expert":

"Russia does not have many friends!"
"They are in a bad situation with all the sanctions!"
"He has an arrest warrant from the World Court!"

You can only think that these things are major factors if you are a shill or an idiot. Or maybe both at the same time.

French people are still rioting over having to work for 2 more years

Forget about your passion.

Passion is too nebulous of a goal anyway.

Self determination theory is where it's at.

Focus on:

Competence- Are you good at it?

Autonomy- Are you free to work the way you like?

Relatedness- There should be a mutual respect amongst the people you work with.

Besides being a leftist propaganda piece about how 'muh insurrection' was the worst thing ever and smokescreening the actual fact that our government was hiding the truth in order to push a narrative, what else is this piece?

It is trying to lay groundwork for the government to be able to censor "disinformation," which is anything the government wants censored. And being a direct propaganda arm of the government, anything the faggots at NPR say must be true.

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