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@RoninGrey If I had seen this video in time I would have told you. Good you found it.


Time to drop, in my opinion, her greatest song.

YouTube | Алла Пугачёва - Старинные Часы


This looks like another cancelled pilot from Adult Swim.

Shoutout to 6 of 9 from Tripping the Rift. An OG sex doll that only real ones know about.

She represents a vision of a better future. One I can truly believe in.

Since Marcus came back, it would be cool if he and TFM did a stream together. A meetup of the OGs.

"Groundwork For The Metaphysics Of MGTOW"
AKA Marcus, is posting again.
One of the OG's


It's about Jewish influence throughout 200 hundred years of Russian history.


>I'm going to read them with my russian teacher

😂 Excellent. Based teacher. I once tried to learn Russian, learned Cyrillic, but stopped. It's still on my bucket list. I'll have to wait for an English translation of "200 Years."

This is so funny.

YouTube | 200 Years Together: By Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Read by A.I Jordan Peterson) Chapter 1 [Commission]

@mrhorsetwat Wait, wait, wait. No way. These are "200 Years Together"?! It looks beatiful!

@ButtWorldsMan Milei and Trump might be Jew cocksuckers, but one gets shit done and the other didn't.

@ButtWorldsMan Once the Argentinian economy recovers and bounces back to good times: all these commies will say it had nothing to do with Milei's policies and/or it was artificially propped up by international capitalism.

@Tfmonkey Get Celestina to sing this song. It fits your Mexican mowing problem.

@ButtWorldsMan These motherfuckers will jump straight to defend a country on the other side of the world, a country they never knew of until then, and which they will immediately forget for the new thing, and yet will say, "How does this affect you personally?!" to people who face a more immediate, more personal event.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.