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I finally get it. Instead of Jews fighting against mole people inside tunnels, what if Jews are the mole people like the Underminer from "The Incredibles" and are building a machine to one day strike the surface?

Every time I meet a reactionary on the alt-right that is also a christian. They are walking paradoxes.

@Tfmonkey Any model in particular? Herman-Miller has the Aeron.


Yeah, I've heard TFM say that (about spending good money on shoes, chair and bed). It's true.

I'm currently using a metallic chair that folds, like the ones you find in conferences. It's been 7 years and my back can't continue.

I will look into getting an Aereon.


I'll make the effort to expand my budget and get the Aereon then. I know it's a good chair but way too expensive for me. But if it's worth it, then so be it.

I'm looking for an office chair. The Aeron chair by Herman-Miller is outside my budget and I'm not interested in a gaming chair. Any recommendations?

Summary of yesterday's Morning Constitutional (2/28/2024):

@Indignation I had to stop in less than 2 seconds because she's boring, forced comedy on her part.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.