max_Y_mum boosted
Chug anon ventiposted so much that there's a hellthread on kiwifarms about us. :02_laugh:

Nothing got nuked in response. So Putin pussied out?

@dander"other countries have shown that it works"

What other country has tried taking money straight out of citizen's bank accounts?

@TreasureGoblin The tranny has done more for men's rights than the libtard, the Karen or the bear. I can do a bro a solid even if he's got pink hair, as long as he's not a public school teacher.

@ButtWorldsMan 2004 - "Religion is the opiate of the masses"

2024 - Ok, these fucking retards are so goddamn stupid they actually need an opiate. Preferably not actual opium.

@ButtWorldsMan World's smartest parasite realizes the death of their Host is actually a bad thing.

@ButtWorldsMan "Scientific" American, lol

Reads like a Jezebel/HuffPost/NYSlimes opinion piece

@dander Since it's security cam footage in 2023, I was expecting armed robbers to jump out of the van or the blue car.

@ButtWorldsMan @Mr_Mister No smug grin? What a fucking waste.
He should have done a covington catholic look.

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan There is one pink haired tiefling mtf tranny in Act 3's Shar cultist hideout, apparently voiced by a real life YouTube tranny. I killed my way through that one so the whole place was hostile and he never got a chance to say anything.

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan It's Pretty bad in character creation, but after that you can do whatever the fuck you want.
Humans are black by default in char creation so you need to customize face, skin color, and hair to change that. Changing your character's gender does nothing to their appearance like it's the equivalent of switching pronouns. Actual male or female is picking body 1 or 3 vs body 2 or 4. They also have the interchangeable genitals thing from CP2077 which makes 0 sense outside SciFi.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @37712 "hours perfecting their meta" = Save up SQ and roll for the powercreep meta supports and OP DPS servants, maybe read the wiki a bit.

He knows. And he used to say it out loud.
That's black pidgeon speaks, the guy who made the youtube video "Why Women Destroy Nations and civilizations" many years ago

@gurtomospe @Tfmonkey Reminds me of those guys who say there's no need for MGTOW because as a man you should just be strict in relationships to "control your woman" and "keep her in line".

Clearly not working for crowder here, the bitch is just ignoring it all because there is no real threat and she knows she has all the power and privilege.

@houseoftolstoy Trannies don't reproduce sexually. They make more of themselves by confusing and brainwashing young impressionable children. In that sense anti-groomer and anti-child transition laws do stop them from "reproducing" and gives them a paper thin insane troll logic justification for using the word genocide.

@mutageno Stunning and brave! Wave that bacon flag of victory ma'am.

Only thing he's missing is the "masculine presenting" part.

@Tfmonkey I think it's easier for some low IQ criminal or hobo to not give a shit what others think of them. If having an internal model of the world requires IQ >100 then an internal model of other people's feelings would have a similar requirement. I'd say this leads to midwits being the most needy for external validation.

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