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@basedbagel bacon soda 😆 is not a drying agent. You want heat. Sun, hair dryer, heater.

@Based_Accelerationist @UncleIroh

As far as what men think, it goes back to AWALT. Men, generally, think they are good girls and bad girls. Men think they are whores and they are housewives.

Personally, I see girls as breeders. And if you let them be wild, they will breed willy nilly.

@shortstories @tiskaan @basedbagel

Lmao. You lost the plot. Now you are just circling back with another rare situation. And one that is already handled under murder situations.

I'm done.

@shortstories @tiskaan @basedbagel

"commitment to seek someone's well being even when it does not feel emotionally fun is realistic"

Dependence. Like financial dependence.

Obedience objection is silly. You are picking a rare exception to disqualify the vast majority of cases

@shortstories @basedbagel

I don't consider wanting or expecting agape love to be realistic. It's a recipe for disappointment.

A simpler request and expectation is obedience.

@Indignation @shortstories

> Polygyny allows the superior men to breed more

It allows the dominant men. So if the dominant men are destroying the society, they will reproduce but the society also dies.

It's natural but it's not guaranteed progress to fruitful ends

@UncleIroh WEF is overreaching. I can't see all their goals being achieved. Not many, if any. But chaos can be achieved for sure.

I think the internet will split. Normie internet where everything is free, ads and tracked. Then premium internet where you pay to get in, ads at a minimum. But we'll see what happens.

@UncleIroh The problem isn't the internet as much as it's the people on the internet.

Probably the internet will have to be dumbed down so that stupid people don't ruin their lives. Idiot proof like a stove or a fridge.

@shortstories Love is stupid. You can't build anything lasting based on emotion and least of all, a woman's love.

@basedbagel I already decided I'm only going to jail for murder

@basedbagel @PordanJeterson


Men would be tyrants and women would be whores, if men let them

@VeganMGTOW @KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC @houseoftolstoy

The first thing to do when farming animals is to remove their ability to attack you, each other and be violent.

Voting is the farmer's endorsed way form the farm animal to choose.

Similarly, people dedicated to voting only, is a good farm animal

@UncleIroh @basedbagel

To get back to a healthy society, compassion will be needed. We are not there yet.

But this group of men see the limits of women. That they aren't competent to lead themselves. So maturity is happening. At least in this group.

@37712 I don't see who votes in the poll, it's blind. My guess, it's all Merovingian

@basedbagel That might be so, but I'm not trying to accommodate for every nuance position

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.