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Years before the alleged Trump shooting people showed me an Illuminati playing card called "enough is enough" that was made before Trump became President that they told me Prophesied that Trump would be assassinated or a Trump assassination attempt would occur or something like that

Shortly after Trump was allegedly shot at there are different Trump Cards sold for money I assume by a different company

Did they plan a fake shooting and roll out merchandise in advance?

Am sorry but for anyone who uses PC, do you really have to ask why your hands hurt?? Cuz am trying to play on a keyboard and my hand hurt trying put push keys that are fingers apart.

DEI ticks are embedded so deeply into the military, there's no reason to join if you're white. Let the big Great American Empire die. I'll take my chances with America 2.0

What is the secret meaning of the "over the garden wall" cartoon and the beast and the lamp oil

@weaf @EdBoatConnoisseur Strict kosher dietary law rules out buttered bread sandwiches (that's why they use mayo) and a lot of desserts due to bullshit technicalities that's why this Hans Landa bit is so good (Chad jew hunter makes yenta kike squirm by forcing her to eat un-kosher food to maintain her cover)

If we could increase the ratio of the number of women born per male born by enough would this reduce the ability of women to exploit men through the scarcity of women relative to the number of men looking for women

It is supposedly possible to change birth gender ratios without killing fertilized eggs or getting abortions through technology that sorts sperm

Over population of people who choose to practice the Jewish religion is the primary cause of climate change

Some examples include wildfires that misinformation spreaders claimed were arson

Weather modification experiments that are published about in the mainstream media that is also called a conspiracy theory by the mainstream media

Trying to block out the sun

If we make the Jewish religion illegal throughout the world & deprogram Jews

J * S * E * C will become 0 because J will become 0

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"P x S x E x C = CO2 (carbon dioxide output)."
"P = population; S = services used by people; E= the energy needed to power those services; and C equals the carbon dioxide created by that energy"

Each Jew has a higher Carbon footprint than the non Jew

Jews own businesses

These businesses force gentiles to commute to work that they could do online at a lower carbon footprint

Jews assign people debt when they lend them money that they never had causing them to use energy

"In 2012, Apple opened the company’s second largest Research & Development center in Herzliyeh "

"Named after Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, Herzliya covers an area of 21.6 square kilometres (8.3 sq mi). Its western, beachfront area is called Herzliya Pituah and is one of Israel's most affluent neighborhoods"

“To give you an understanding of how close Apple is to the horrors happening in #Palestine, their headquarters are ~50 miles away from the border of Gaza…same distance the Cupertino headquarters is from San Francisco. It’s curious, why a company that boasts itself to be so inclusionary would even consider opening offices in a country…guilty of running a system of apartheid.”

This elections are failed proof;

If Trump wins, they collapse the economy and blame him to finish him completely.

If Kamala wins, they collapse the economy and its a glass ceiling efect. " this man have destroyed our economy and later let it fall under a womans to blame her. "

The problem did not start with Israel in 1948

The problem is the religion of people who call themselves Jews and believe their Jewish ancestry gives them the right to enslave or exterminate everyone who they do not believe has Jewish ancestry

Zionism is just a distraction to pretend the problem is not all people who practice the Jewish religion and their supporters worldwide but some really narrow group of people

Orthodox Jews are the problem as the Orthodox Jewish texts are the foundation

Joe Biden is the greatest President in USA history

He lost Israel's war in a Muslim country leaving them with weapons

Caused people to hate the Jews by exposing the Palestinian Genocide

Cured people of being labeled as black by saying if you do not vote for him you ain't black and then stepping down in the elections so people can only vote for him through write in making it impossible to vote for him if you do not know how to write

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