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People expecting stuff for their taxes is unacceptable but, this is acceptable. what an elitist world we live in. Landlord wants to triple your rent, ALLOWED, bank wants to charge you 12% interest, ALLOWED.

you want affordable healthcare? have you requested Medicare? do you have insurance? oh the insurance does not cover it.

you are living paycheck to paycheck, well work more, earn more. 5K a month is nothing now a says bud. you need to at least earn 10k a month.

@shortstories @mutageno2 Well, I know of McDonald's franchises that hire their families exclusively. I even know of taco bell franchises that seem to only have Mexicans working there; probably extended families, as well. The fact she outed herself by saying they "made her hide..." is dead to rights. No one made her do anything. She could have easily written an email to corporate and filed a grievance. If they are only hiring certain demographics across-the-board then that is a problem.

Hitler defeated America by losing world war 2

We are not facing economic collapse

@Hoss @bronze There was even a recent case when a jeeta was raped and murdered so savagely the other jeetas went to protest countrywide and the jeets' response was to beat and rape more women
Asians did Buddhism better than jeets even though they technically invented it.
How I feel tbh

I only make like 30k/year if that. I usually tell companies I only want like 60k despite that being less than what a tech jeet is willing to work for. I just don't give a fuck. I'm so frugal I have enough money left over to buy fun goodies here and there. I can't imagine what it'd be like to have double that, it'd be more money than I know what to do with, quite literally. It's not like I have space to accumulate shit I don't need. I hate stuff.

One time I saw this boomer post his salary that was 80k after taxes and he was throwing a massive fit over it. Like nigga shut the fuck up. Your taxes are more than my entire salary, go fuck yourself.

I am not endorsing violence by posting this but simply exercising my first amendment right to post artwork

Why doesn't Europe punish them for crimes. Because if people who are not White get punished for crimes they say it could result in another holocaust

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If a black / Muslim / Hindi person commits a crime in an African country then the African / Muslim / Hindi country punishes them but if they commit a crime in Europe or the USA then they let them off the hook

That is why they have not gone extinct from committing so much violence among themselves because they do not commit as much violence in their own countries and only in Europe and the USA because Europe and the USA lets them get away with it as long as they are not White nor Christian

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When certain religions, ethnicity, cultures or nationalities immigrate into Europe & U.S.A. they or their descendants tend to commit more violent crime per person than White Christian Gentiles that already lived there

If they committed crimes at those rates in their own country that they came from then their country would go extinct because they murder people faster then they can reproduce.

Their own country punishes those crimes but USA & Europe do not so they commit crimes in Europe & USA

@tyler @BowsacNoodle @fatepony
Nah. Normies don't care about truth. They want soap operas and sound bites. First, you get the power, and then you can change what's in those soap operas and sound bites.

You can produce high-quality media or stoop to goyslop. It's only short sighted if you stay in the low-time-preference mentality i.e. a constant state of total war.

Kinda where the boomers went wrong imo. Untold amounts of wealth and 0 institutions built.

What is Duolingo trying to promote with the phrase, "my son's father"

I guess they are trying to say in Haiti women have children with men that are not their husband so you need to know what that means in Haitian Kreole

Maybe Duolingo is not trying to promote anything but you need to know what people mean when they say that

Just saw an ad that stated:
"In 2020, voter turnout was 66%. This year, let's make it 100%."

Standard "get out the vote" garbage. There are many people that should not vote. Thankfully, some of them don't. But a lot of people who shouldn't still do vote.

Not that voting is going to matter all that much, as the deep state can just "find" more votes at 4 a.m. anyways.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.