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Fellas, what does it mean " second state visit " and why is it historical? who was the first? Obama?

the jew corps who own the underlying code.

Let's say person A wrote an artificial intelligence program to make art and person B ran the program

Who owns the copyright to the art?

Cults: An In Depth Look At The Experience Of Being In Cults And Breaking Free From Them

Massachusetts School of Law at Andover


So I was reading about Milton Erickson who is possibly one of the most important people in the history of hypnotism

And it said that he read "the dictionary" or "a dictionary" when he was young

I do not believe that it would be practical to read a modern dictionary because of so many new internet slang words, ebonics, and new words in taxpayer subsidized academic fields

But could I do something similar with dictionaries from modern English times but before there were so many words?


What makes 1 group more powerful than another has multiple factors & 1 of those factors is the number of people in that group

The group that is better at using social influence to recruit a set of people who are more powerful before the conflict starts wins

Using force alone instead of recruiting people capable of defensive force does not work for an individual to defend their freedom against a more powerful group of tyrants

So the primary weapon of tyrants is information phobia

They do not want you to know that you can choose not to believe the events in the news happened

This is fundamentally different than believing that a different person or group of people committed the actions than claimed on the news

This is to actually believe the actions never happened at all

There is a dynamic equilibrium between enough welfare to create a warrior class to maintain the system of taxing employees and so much welfare that the economy collapses and everyone dies preventing further slave labor from tax paying employees

They value slave labor from tax paying employees so much I suspect there will be no big economic collapse & if there is one it will be local & temporary

I suspect allowing Trump to "win" the election is a means to prevent the collapse & maintain slavery

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Taxes do not pay for welfare but welfare is used as an excuse to collect taxes

They can simply print money to pay for welfare but they do not print money because printing money without taxes would not force people to be continually employed to own a houses the way property tax does because without taxes someone could buy a house then quit working

If they do not give any welfare then people on welfare will no longer believe taxes pay for welfare & stop fighting to protect the system

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So I do not think society will collapse economically throughout the entire world at once & on a worldwide scale due to welfare

They want people to be tricked into working for them & a complete economic collapse would prevent that

I suspect if there is a complete economic collapse in one location and time and they lose free labor from taxpayer slaves at that location for a temporary time then they will restructure things so that they can continue to have the economy running to maintain slavery

It's hard to surprise me with government incompetence and corruption, but occasionally something does:

Drag queens could go read stories at the old folks' home, but they never do. I wonder why they only read stories to children? Surely there's no nefarious ulterior motive.

@Mr_Mister - If there's ever a final war involving the Jews, they're gonna try to file a lawsuit about it.

So the Jewish female president of Mexico is threatening to sue any foreign entity that fights the drug cartels in Mexico and also American gun manufactures because cartel members get their guns from them. But she’s not going after the cartels themselves 😂😂😂😂🤡🌎

It sucks when you're family is so fucked up you need a restraining order against your mom

American WASP trash

The women the left value the most have penis' but women call the right misogynist.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.