While there are many egregious attacks on tenure, academic freedom and working rights encoded in this proposed legislation, it is about the issue of intellectual diversity that I write today.
Cirino has insisted publicly that he wants students to be granted license to share abhorrent ideas such as Holocaust denying in the classroom.
The Marriage Trap: Paternity fraud & Divorce Court
collaboration with Glenn Lawrence:
So in Duolingo they have a unit called "honor one's ethnicity" for Haitian Kreyol Creole
There are a lot of black people in Haiti so I assume they are directing black Haitians to "honor their ethnicity"
I want to know do they have a unit called "honor one's ethnicity" if you learn German?
To encourage white people of German ancestry to "honor one's ethnicity"
If Jews refused to assimilate & lived in their own city & got vast amounts of wealth by honest hard work & then gave a greater percent of the wealth they honestly earned away to Goyim then the percent of the Goyim in the population
If they went around doing free work building houses & gave those houses away to Goyim but did not assimilate & did not try to harm Goyim they would be loved by Goyim
They are hated because they try to harm & scam Goyim not because of non assimilation
I suggest that we should judge people on the content of their character and not their ancestry
Because I oppose a religion because that religion judges people based on their ancestry and not the content of their character I am called a anti-Semite and accused of judging people based on their ancestry
Did Zionist influencers get Epstein files first so they can think of reasons to claim Mossad is not behind it before it is published to the rest of the public?
Or can they claim they received it and just make up whatever they want and have the files never be published
"Influencers" get the Epstein Files FIRST
Matt Kim
114K subscribers
Let the Pro Jewish Influencers have the information first,AIPAC must have kicked Trump some money if true
Nationalism not Globalism
Local Anarchist communities not Worldwide Anarchism
Corporations, United Nations Governments, Most Media and Most Clergy are on Team Evil
The Jewish religion intends to exterminate Christians
The Jewish religion intends to enslave or exterminate Gentiles or Goyim
Palestinians are the true Hebrew Israelites
at short stories at
poa dot st
merovingian dot club