@sardonicsmile @UncleIroh White people don't season their sky equipment !!!!!
@MrpoopyButhole Canada has fallen . Millions must pie !!!!
@VeganMGTOW @Wopu Wow she looked like a doll .
@VeganMGTOW So it's gay if they are simping for men with filters . XDDD
Serpentenza has a video explaining livestreamining in China :
He visited a streaminig den where the streamers change their face with filters .
Is it gay if they simped for a man streaminig as a woman with filters ?
@marlathetourist @Stahesh Nightmare fuel .
@red_dread @VeganMGTOW No need to worry about hoeflation in this age .
@Scubbie @YoMomz @basedbagel Marriage is just prostitution . Why don't legalize it .
I may look ugly on the outside but I am beautiful in the inside .