@UncleIroh @shortstories @Mongoliaboo @RodrickSage @basedbagel There is a video of coach red pill that explains the story of Nuland . I agree . They really hate the slav race.

@basedbagel @Zeb @Mr_Mister He belongs to breadtube . And Breadtube answers to the CIA . Not only that . He had also horse porn . His folder with contents was leaked.

@Indignation @theFlow It thought it was the photo of her with the face of a man . XDDDDDDDDDD

@shortstories @UncleIroh @Mongoliaboo @RodrickSage @basedbagel The cathedral owns the US . Victorial Nuland hates the Russians because her grandfather was expelled from Russia . All the policy dictators in the US hate Russia . And because of that they will never allow it in NATO .

@MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan @DoubleD @Tfmonkey @Mike_Microwave Putin stole the ring of a super bowl winner. The player gave the ring to Putin , Putin tried it and went on . And they forced the player to forgot about it since it could create an international incident.

@shortstories You just don't help people . You let them sink to the bottom until they realize what they lost and start fixing their shit .

They make Lego bouquets of roses now. A gift for the waifu in your laifu. Just because something is artificial doesn't mean it isn't real.

@marlathetourist Not only that the royalty of the UK killed Diana Spencer when they knew she was pregnant from an Arab millonaire .

Bodybuilding , gay culture and subversion:

Joe Weider that was a really important business man in the bodybuilding world
turned bodybuilding into a facade for gay prostitution since the 60's . Quite
interesting the fact how he did it . He also had a casting couch so
all the bodybuilders that won the Mr Olympia and those prizes had to fuck him .




@Zeb @Stahesh Yes .What if they unpeg it from the dollar and peg it to gold or oil ?

@UncleIroh @BHG You are right . Rejecting imperfect solutions is the fallacy of Nirvana .

@UncleIroh @BHG It's a purity test ? Yes . I will explain myself . Just don't trust them entirely and expect them to save you . I wanted to clairify that . Because normies see Elon as some kind of saviour that will lead them .

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