@Tfmonkey Syria, Saudis, Qatar, and Iran have all officially said this is based, redpilled, and all Israel's fault.

Lots of hostages. American weapons being put to good use.

@Tfmonkey the entire muslim world is celebrating this day. I hear Pakistan is chimping out on social media with rabid excitement.

I personally just find it funny that the most protected nation by the globalist regime is being invaded and attacked right now. Couldn't care less what happens to israel.

@Tfmonkey jewish reporters also noted the scene of this heinous crime has also been picked clean of any and all loose change. They checked carefully.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

American Christian Zionists must be losing their shit right now.

@UncleIroh I want to see Benny Shapiro’s jewish mouth frothing at this.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

First attackers pretending to be Palestinians demolish buildings with no Jews in them

Then they say Jews were killed

Then they blame TFM

Then they arrest TFM as a war criminal

They really wanted to arrest him for suggesting taking away women's right to vote but they could not

So they made up a whole fake war to blame him for

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

Wouldn't it be easier to send a crack team of Mexican gardeners armed with combat tacos to ambush him?

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

No because he would become a Martyr making the cause more popular if they assassinated him

They need to vilify him framing him for something he did not do and then arrest him so that he can be made a public example of instead

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

Great point, World War 3 makes way more sense from that point of view.

How about if the Mexican BlackOps Taco Division just fucked him up a little bit? Like force fed him refried beans to take him out of play for a while?

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey I hope israel has the same communist we do trying to disarm their population

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey haha only 2% of their population is armed. you fucking deserve this when you're too stupid to arm yourself surrounded by nations who hate you

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

They've had it coming for years, they're a global pariah for more reasons than I could list.

Also Islam has been racking up wins lately.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey fuck yes now America can show us their true colors and how much they love Jew cock. May the markets be unmolested next week.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Yes you have to learn to fly power gliders if you want to do the thing

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

FYI, only arab women do the alalalala chant, you dumb faggot, be a man and say it with me


@PapaPole @Tfmonkey I'm having fun and that's all that matters. I checked on daily wire people. They're not having fun. Sucks to be them. I'm doing great.

@benzene @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
"our people" were murdered
"their people" just happened to die
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