
i remember countless time where i ask God to just give me that, the only thing i wanted was her, or if i could not have her then, give me something close to her...

nothing, other man had her and her clones, i remember a dream i had confirming that believes that, god really did not care, she was been passed by every guy out there, and God was simply laughing at me.

i remember waking up punching the bed and cying...

part 2.

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@RodrickSage dont let your failues break you, learn from them and become stronger not more concealed, take care of yourself, your body is your temple, take care of it and embrace your masculinity and this alone will bring the women and good friendships to you. Dont b an incel

I'm sorry you had to go thrugh that @RodrickSage but let me give you some tough love.

1. You're not an incel. Being an incel is impossible as every woman has a price.

2. Try to find some hobbies/meaning in life outside of women.

I know heartbreak hurts but you can't define yourself by how women perceive you. Because they DAMN sure don't do it the other way around.

If push comes to shove just buy a girl or geomaxx to an asian country.

Hope your situation gets better man

Mating is the exclusive right of top males.
Always has been.

Enforced monogamy (avoiding one top man to have multiple women and thus leaving them for lower men) was setup to manage violence.
Without it, bottom males would get to a breaking point where they would do a revolution.

@RodrickSage - I've been a monk (volcel) for many years. And I know that feeling well. They call it one-itis (as in: "she's the one").

And I've blamed God, too. But in time I realized that we all have free will. And it's not God's failure. It's her's, and her's alone.

I believe that you are grieving - not for the loss of her, but for the loss of what could have been. Your vision was beautiful, and she couldn't see it - or she simply short-sightedly rejected it.

@RodrickSage - I believe that the sooner you see, and accept, her imperfection... the sooner you will feel better.

This is easier said than done, I know. If you're looking for chemical assistance, I can't recommend Lion's Mane mushroom supplements enough. They're OTC, and the effect is subtle, but real. It allows your mind the flexibility to relax your focus on your heartbreak.

Good Luck man. 🍻

P.S. - I didn't see all the other replies at first. 😅 Hopefully, one will resonate.

@RodrickSage What I found in my 25 years. There is no soulmates. My mind went crazy for 2 women. One was around middle S or high S.

Another was in my first long time work. I could hardly think normally. One time I almost asked her out. But the day I decided to do it. She was not there. So that day I beat my dick so hard that I would not think about any woman and that day I lost my all attraction to that woman.

@RodrickSage I am some one who never dated. Mostly because of me. Because I was brainwashed to by nice guy. Luckily I was in my early teens so I not wasted any money. When I had first crush I was in limbo between asking her out and not being creep. So I never had balls to ask her.

Around this age I found out Tom Leykis and MGTOW. That helped me to understand it all.

Here I am now next month 26. With quarter-life crisis. No job and only idea what I want. But not how I can get there.

@RodrickSage the version of her you had in your mind is surely better than the actual person you had a crush on. That's often how infatuation works. We fall in love with our imagination. She was essentially a waifu in your mind with a real world equivalent, but those two people were never the same. The waifu in your mind was what you loved and you projected that waifu onto her.

The trick is that your waifu still exists in your mind and we have sex dolls and AI waifus now, so go live the dream.

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