
Let me elaborate on my previous post:

It's a matter of observation. This Israel-Hamas war has pitted Communists like BLM (who hate Israel for ideologically consistent reasons) against Jews (who support Israel while being Leftists by employing self-serving double-standards).

Who did the entire Cathedral side with? It sided with the Jews rather than Communists. It even made BLM take back their support of Palestine.

It can't be about Communism primarily, it MUST be Jews

@Tfmonkey can't tell if you're trolling. If not, I expect you to make a full report to your commanding officer (Halsey), soldier.

@Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole @Mike_Microwave Im so glad I'm drunk for this moment. I've been smiling for over a minute now.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Did you and Halsey have a falling out is that another reason for your conclusion

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey Nah they're good. TFM is going through something called "the noticing."

@ButtWorldsMan @Scubbie @Tfmonkey

Holy shit I never thought I would see the day when TFM would finally admit that the jews are the problem, communism might be the body of the hydra but jews are the heart of the hydra, without jews there is no communism.

Welcome TFM, you are now a nazy anty zionist scum. I say this to prepare you for what is comming.

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan @Scubbie @Tfmonkey there would still be communism, just because Jews are the ethnic figure head of the Cathedral, doesn't mean that basic human nature present in all humans would cease if they were gone. There were commies in the ancient world free of Jewish influence like in Chinese empires, African kingdoms, and a myriad of other cultures free of Jewish influence. But it's mostly true that secular Jews are overwhelmingly commies, and they deserve everything that's coming.

@ButtWorldsMan @Scubbie @Tfmonkey ButtWorldsMan please bring The Astronaut Meme that shooting other astronaut in back saying "It was The Jews it always been."

Yeah, there is nothing worse, then when repeated observations confirm the most insane theory you have :D

@Tfmonkey Well the ADL does make all the decisions on race and classify people so you have a valid conclusion through logic now do you want to look Into how they discovered time travel

@Tfmonkey Oh No we are witnessing TFM becoming a Jazie 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I never thought I'd see the day where you said "it MUST be the Jews"

I'm legit stunned. What the fuck took you so long? It clearly wasn't the last 2000 years of recorded history, but BLM commies vs Cathedral commies made you Jew-Pilled??

Make it make sense ..

@Tfmonkey I think there's alternative hypotheses here too: 1. Russia's being allied with Iran, 2. Inertia from past support of Israel, 3. The Left being a hodgepodge that is bound to have these sorts of divisions and disagreements on occasion.

@philosophy 1. Leftists have LONG supported Palestinians, and never been cracked down on like this before. None of the Palestinian-supporting Leftists support Putin either.

2. Again, this doesn't apply to Progressives traditionally. It's usually the Right that supports Israel, while the Left supports Palestine.

3. No, it was a universal crackdown. They're arresting protestors throughout Europe and Canada and treating them like Trump supporters.

@Tfmonkey You have no idea how happy this post has made much of your watchers from way back in the day. Many have expressed to me that they feel vindicated.

But now that we've established that its not just communism, and that Jews are a pillar of the cathedral, we must ask ourselves: is there another layer?

If the communists are pawns of the Jews, then could the Jews themselves be pawns of a deeper, more insidious power?

I have a few hypothesis' in mind. Nothing solid yet.

@Engineer @Tfmonkey Free Masons? Or maybe it's something more conceptual like how people don't have ideas but ideas have people. Memetic warfare for eternal cultural dominance?

@Ness2000 Or perhaps its European royalty/elites creating the same conditions that emerged within the Weimar Republic so they can "solve" the problems (that they created) with a Weimar solution, and the right will gladly eat it up. They give themselves more power over time via the left, then take it too far, and "solve" the problem by giving themselves even more power. Except this time its a different aesthetic. Either way the government wins and freedom dies.

@Engineer Well, the populist right will gladly eat it up. I'd say that's the boring but most likely true and Occam's Razor answer, but the issue with blaming the elites or royalty, is that there will always be some form of elite class in a hierarchy, and that's not a bad thing.

I think the boring real solutions to these problems is by correcting the various institutions and practices in our decadent western society. Namely reinstituting patriarchy and true free markets as a good first start.

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