
I woke up and my thumb was broken. I can only assume I did something epic in my dreams.

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@Tfmonkey I hoping you were dreaming of pushing someone’s eyes in. Get well soon!

@Tfmonkey I heard this game's immersion is next level. It's the kind of gameplay you can really feel.

@Tfmonkey it was probably for sticking your thumb up your ass for too long

No but seriously I hope it didn't hurt a lot, and that you wont have to go to the doctor cuz that sucks too

@Tfmonkey The Keto Diet paying it Toll your body Is getting destroy by the meat, dairy and egg.


Probably some weird hockey mask thumbs in the ass scenario. Dreams do be twisted like dat.

Hope your thumb heals and the other guy's asshole mends soon.

@Tfmonkey I hope you get better soon.

I've had dreams where someone broke into my place and I rolled behind my bed and grabbed my gun to shoot them. Then I woke up in my bed and had to very carefully get up to make sure I didn't have a loaded gun somewhere in my bed.

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