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This fucking nigger is not only already playing golf, but irl shitposting about the shooting.

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Isn't it ironic that the people keeping this anti-male, anti-freedom and anti-individualism system afloat, are neither women, Jewish nor welfare sponges?

It's men, it's the average "not my problem"/"just following orders" schmuck. Not only do they accept the slavery, they enable it everyday.
Those who think they were "brainwashed" haven't interacted with them enough. Their passive-aggressive nature and subversive behavior is genetic to some extent.

So who's the real enemy here? Not big pharma.

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There are two types of people. Those who understand to avoid the Blacks and those who have not been around them, yet, to know why.

One of the comments “It’s a miracle that we are even here after our ancestors had to survive such horrific practices” the irony

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A club for red-pilled exiles.