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You're not a fighter. Now go turn sperm into babies and bread into sandwiches.

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I think people have an incorrect view of violence. It can easily destroy a nation, but a nation can also not survive without it.

Too much violence and you get African villiages, where things of value which are hard to build don't get built because they will be targeted. But a nation which has no taste for violence will be destroyed by the first saboteur.
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Professional victim instigator here, everyone on social media pretty much agrees. At this point keep destroying the Olympic ceremonies and casual sports talk with your agenda and politics. Keep going Jews, keep leading this degenerating society as the people’s rage silently builds and overflows.

So women and weak men decide to give the bees rights too and then all of plant die and society collapses. Can we get more meta than that?

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Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Am I right, my fellow hhhhhhhhwite people? :happyjewishmerchant:

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so it turns out calling things "gay" because they're bad is literally an etymological repeat of how the word "bad" was invented in the first place
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Trump has sent his favored son to Nippon to pay respects to Abe's grave until the election is over to return the favor

True besties
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.