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@Tfmonkey Why would you be telling ppl to vote for trump anymore, the guy is jew controlled probably more than biden. He will send actual americans to go die for the jews in israhell so why are you telling people to go vote for him. You cant expect this corrupt system to ever unfuck itself, it is beyond saving. with Biden it will surely collapse and a new one can be born from its ashes, also no conscription or WW3, but with Trump, Jew suppremacy in the USA and WW3 is assured, boogaloo cancelled.

This is all you need to know about Christians, especially the "Alt-Right" groups that claim to be against Israel. Spoiler alert, they aren't against Israel, they want to BE Israel, they were the conquering arm of Judaism and now they are the controlled opposition, trying to trap gentiles into this Middle-Eastern voodoo salvation nonsense about Messiahs and God's Chosen people. Worship a Jew or go to Hell:

Interesting when you start looking back on stuff and it's always the same people

@Based_Accelerationist Slurping progressive ideology. Not political progressivism, but its predecessor, progressive Protestantism. These are the people who quote Paul writing "no Jew or Greek, no man or woman" to support their egalitarian delusions.

But, to put the blame where it belongs, Paul is to blame for his own false teachings. He had a knack for contradicting Jesus. Why does the church always side with Paul if they think Jesus is God?

Probably the only place where female empowerment is a good thing

I'll never understand why so many men fantasize about women as companions/equals. Isn't it much more fun to dominate them? Do you really need another person to hold your hand and protect you, or is it better to have someone at home cleaning, knitting and making dinner?

Sure, she won't sacrifice herself for you. So what? Maybe you shouldn't sacrifice yourself for her either, unless she's carrying your kids. Women are fine the way they are. Why did men screw it up by giving them equal rights?

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat

the desperation is palpable , so is the delicious delicious fear , now that the vulnerabilities are flayed exposed like a nice tender goaste

The return of Jesus Hitler will never come, even Hitler grieved Islam's loss of Germany to Christianity and said Islam was perfectly suited to the German temperament

Muhammed Hitler has to come

Remember that infamous WEF "you will own nothing and you will be happy" clip? Well, that was just one of their "predictions" in that video for 2030. Another prediction, which they also repeated several times in their older articles, was that the US wouldn't be the world's leading superpower.

You'd almost think the "Cathedral" wanted the American empire to fall.
But no, surely they're just a bunch of senile boomers who keep shooting themselves in the foot.

Let's not forget this gem, when Gavin McInnes was spending all that effort to defend Jews separate of Zionism, only to walk out of the debate after Vincent James got Adam King to drop the mask...

This undercover footage provides a small window into what the underlings in the Biden cabinet think about the Jewish/Israel problem:

Now, of course at the end of the day it's all theatre and Biden would never actually oppose Israel, nor does he actually have the power to do it, but it's still interesting to hear what they believe in. And he's 100% correct that Jews are all Israel first and want America to support genocide, like TFM's Jewish/zionist cohost.

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