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@Nazareno they're just planting the seeds for the holocaust denial narrative once they've finished off the Palestinians.

"No, there was no genocide of the Palestinians, they never existed. It was all made up by anti-Semites.

Also, 6 Brazilian Jews died in Nazi gas chambers with wooden doors, and if you question it or point out the inconsistencies in the narrative, you're an anti-Semitic Nazi."

@Tfmonkey bro, you are saying there will be blood if they do lockdown cuz of bird fly. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

THE great depression happened, the government took the gold, they banned alcohol, they left the people without food cuz EUROPE NEEDED MORE! the American civil war was THE outliner of the peasants.

and the south was the last remaining of the will to freedom. and they lost. at this point, nothing will happened. the only ay blood will be seen, its if you cut down the power.


Prepared and Vigilant



Chinks with noses like Concave functions want Jews with big noses to fuck their daughters. It’s over even chinks love the JewCum 😢😢

The real blackpill isn't finding out that almost all politicians are controlled by Israel, but that most people around you simply deserve to be enslaved. There's no "we the people", the masses embody the very system that hates freedom. Just by living near them, we doom ourselves to that same fate.

They say "divide and conquer" is the goal, but that's outdated. The normies are the enemy and the elites want you surrounded by them, living under their tyranny and being subjected to their weakness.

Another goal with the latest EU theater was to undermine national elections and make Europeans think of the EU as the main political entity. This is why leaders like Macron were told to call for snap elections, so people see that there are consequences (even if they ultimately don't really matter). The idea is to increasingly shift the focus away from national politics.

It feels strange contemplating the "Cathedral's" long-term plans, when none of this would matter if Russia just did the thing.

As anyone with a working brain foresaw, the zionist "Populist Right" is being allowed to gain momentum in Europe, in an attempt to appease the masses and promote nationalism before it's time to fight WW3. Of course the controlled opposition like Info Wars will tell you "we're winning!".

Make no mistake, Trump will be president again. And no, he won't be assassinated (lol). There's also zero risk of an actual civil war happening, even if Trump died, at most you'd see a bigger J6 false flag.

When I think I can't find another reason to vote for Biden, he decides to take a crap in front of everyone at the D-Day celebrations. The D stands for Dump. Sadly he was too shy about it, he should've pulled down his pants and owned that shit, show those geriatric WW2 vets what they fought for.

@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey I am voting for biden, fuck 3rd party, because if trump wins he would actually be a competent pro jew leader, americas would be sent to die for the jew in israhell while immigrants stay home and fuck their wifes. Under trump with the support of white ppl there wont be a boogaloo and this corrupt system wont fall, it will remiain pro jew and corrupt. Vote for Biden and he will finish killing off america and both the left and right will boogaloo.

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