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@Nazareno the correct quote is "liberty or death", and you don't say that as you turn yourself in, but the literal exact fucking opposite.

@Tfmonkey And as for what it accomplished, look no further than present day, where EVERYONE sucks Jew cock. They're God's chosen people, so says every Abrahamic religion. How do you think that happened?

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@Tfmonkey Since you asked it on the show: The point of Christianity was never to unite people, the goal was to destroy paganism (non-Jewish beliefs). Jews conquered Europeans through their culture/values.

"Oh but Jews and Christians fought each other, so they couldn't possibly be part of the same psyop!" And Christians fought other Christians. And Democrats fight Republicans. Just because there are internal conflicts and rivalries, it doesn't mean they don't ultimately work in tandem.

When even an Israeli Journalist is more truthful about his own country than TFM's beloved Jewish cohost who lives in the US and larps as a Right-wing American, you know something's wrong.

Infectious diseases for instance, are an individualist's best friend, for nothing else punishes groups and promotes isolation to the same extent. So are government mandated vaccines. Preferable to war, that's for sure.

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If you are for individualism, you should be for depopulation.

The more abundant a resource is, the less value it holds individually. It's the same with people. We can afford to be weak, because we are so many.
Moreover, there isn't enough land or game to hunt for everyone. We have to mass produce food, vaccinate animals/plants, genetically alter them and force them to grow in unhealthy and unnatural conditions.
Quality, not quantity. We don't need more normies, regardless of their race.


This is what the Orthodox Jewish Text Sanhedrin 54b says, "Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old, as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse, so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable."

Hats off to Halsey for stating that Orthodox Jews are not anti-zionists. Sometimes the obvious bears repeating.

As expected, the "Christ is King" glowies are salivating over the possibility of porn websites requiring an ID verification. These people are the definition of controlled opposition. Women aren't having enough kids? Ban men's outlets! Jews are nuts? Submit to rabbi Jesus! Democrats are bad? The Father of Vaccines will save you. What a joke.

Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones, Vincent James, etc. All agents of the disease.

TFM is wrong when he says the "Cathedral" isn't scared of white nationalism. They're so scared, they don't even allow it and any such group is quickly infiltrated and dealt with. And I'm saying this as someone who has no allegiance to any skin color nor respect for what most white people have become.

Now don't mistake "white nationalism" for "Christ is King" controlled opposition groups, even though zionist agents like Halsey love to draw everyone's attention to the latter, to play the victim.

The reason why nobody took women's rights away, was because it meant going to war with every country owned by (((them))) and we saw how that ended for Germany and Japan. It was easier to accept feminism, use their money and bend the knee, it was the only way to survive.

The only people who actually believed in communism, feminism and equality were the peasants and some of their puppet leaders. Those actually pulling the strings knew what it was truly about.

Forget the wall goyim, Trump is going to build you a dome, an iron dome, but better. Now you won't have to worry about any missiles hitting your house in WW3, which will likely be occupied by migrants by then.

Looks like Judeo Christian shill Alex Jones agrees with TFM, they will try to assassinate Donald Trump! Why?
Who cares?

According to Alex, Trump is God's gift to us mortals. I have to agree to some extent, Trump was quite the gift, as he did convince a lot of these idiots to get vaccinated, so there's that.




Armed Patriot

Armed Patriot


Jew boasting they own Russia. They comprised 84% of the Bolshevik leadership and today comprise most of the Russian oligarchs. Russia has strict anti-Semitism laws not to criticise Jews. Putin was cared for by Jews as a boy.

Russia is not coming to save you !





Jim Rizoli

Jim Rizoli


Trump’s dangerous executive order on anti-Semitism
Instead of addressing threats to Jewish communities, the order silences criticism of Israeli policy and violates the right to free speech.

American Friends Service Committee

WATCH: Trump calls for death penalty for hate crimes

PBS dot org

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.