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The Nazis aren't wrong that the Palestinians will be imported into Western countries and weaponized against the native population if they don't push Israel's shit in.

Also, due to this conflict, the FBI are (once again) more worried about Islamic terrorist instead of Trump supporters, at least for now.

The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend, but I certainly hope they fuck my enemy's shit up while I sit back and watch from a distance.

@Pain66 Why is Japan letting any blacks in their country at all?

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@Wopu @37712 The reason why the US didn't declare war on Iran at the time is because #1 it was a deal exclusive to the Chinese and #2 deposing smaller nations like Iraq or Lybia is one thing, but invading Iran without provocation or justification starts WW3. Its obvious.

@37712 This was literally over half a decade ago in his discord server. Way back when. Back when he who sells soap was a co-host. Its ancient history. I am not completely innocent either, my ban was deserved. I forgive TFM and have learned to respect him for the man that he is, his flaws and all, just as I am a flawed man. Its OK to be wrong, I've been wrong before as well. Whats important is that we learn from our mistakes.

@37712 No, he never did. He banned me. I doubt he would remember, either.

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Watching the Cathedral brutally crack down on Leftist pro-Palestinian protests, and even create a "no-hire list" for college Marxists who spoke out against Israel, when combined with the full throated support the Cathedral is throwing behind Israel, even threatening pre-emptive strikes against Iran and causing WW3, leaves me to conclude that it is, in fact, the Jews.

I can arrive at no other conclusion given the facts and behaviors that I'm seeing. No other hypothesis makes sense.

I was wrong.

@37712 I also like the fact that several months ago he finally realized that the petro dollar is an important cornerstone to the dollars hegemony. Something I tried to tell him in 2016 and he called me an idiot for.

@Ness2000 Or perhaps its European royalty/elites creating the same conditions that emerged within the Weimar Republic so they can "solve" the problems (that they created) with a Weimar solution, and the right will gladly eat it up. They give themselves more power over time via the left, then take it too far, and "solve" the problem by giving themselves even more power. Except this time its a different aesthetic. Either way the government wins and freedom dies.

@Tfmonkey You have no idea how happy this post has made much of your watchers from way back in the day. Many have expressed to me that they feel vindicated.

But now that we've established that its not just communism, and that Jews are a pillar of the cathedral, we must ask ourselves: is there another layer?

If the communists are pawns of the Jews, then could the Jews themselves be pawns of a deeper, more insidious power?

I have a few hypothesis' in mind. Nothing solid yet.

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Let me elaborate on my previous post:

It's a matter of observation. This Israel-Hamas war has pitted Communists like BLM (who hate Israel for ideologically consistent reasons) against Jews (who support Israel while being Leftists by employing self-serving double-standards).

Who did the entire Cathedral side with? It sided with the Jews rather than Communists. It even made BLM take back their support of Palestine.

It can't be about Communism primarily, it MUST be Jews

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@vaartis The sexual dimorphism is inverted on the bottom. WTF is wrong with you?

@Brianhere It wouldn't surprise me if this was intentional and deliberate.

@VeganMGTOW It actually points out that eating meat reduces the need for pharmaceuticals later in life. The government pushed for veganism and meat reduction for decades.

@shortstories @YoMomz Only torture pedophiles. I dont care about adult rape.

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