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@shortstories @YoMomz Allow victimless outlets but still retain the drukhari style torture for actual pedophilic rape (I like the aesthetics of torturing pedophiles)

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@YoMomz Oh yeah, I lived without internet for much of my life. If it gets that bad I'll be fine.

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@YoMomz @Tfmonkey @dander There is no way that the collapse brings down the entire internet or cameras as a whole unless its thermonuclear exchange. Third world countries have internet, the US likely will as well unless its thermonuclear annihilation.

@Pain66 Making people insecure about things they can't change is based.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh Might makes Right is undefeated, because you can use theological or other ideological exploits to maintain an iron grip on your normie masses. Do you really think most religions military leaders genuinely believed their own bullshit? Of course not. Psy-ops are just another form of exerting might. Might makes right is not a moral position, it is an astute observation of reality.

@Shadowman311 The time for crying is over. The time for anger is over. Now is the time to slaughter politicians.

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When was the last time you remember a politician crying over a White kid getting brutally murdered by some black felon with a rap sheet longer than a school bus? When was the last time a Politician cried about some family that got cut to pieces by an MS-13 gang member for the crime of having a house too close to the US Mexico border? Do you remember any politician sobbing over the COVID death vax or the 500k+ massacred in the opioid epidemic by the slacker family? No? Oh that's right, because the parasites in Washington only care about Israel, which is why I hope that country burns to cinders, fuck these treasonous parasites.
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@Tfmonkey @dander I didn't say it was a good option, lol. I do agree that having victimless outlets to reduce actual victimization is very tenable. I still like the aesthetics of torturing pedophiles that rape actual children (no excuses if there are outlets available). The aesthetics of torturing pedophiles pleases my senses. Just imagining their screams of agony puts a smile on my face.

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@Tfmonkey You're correct about the effects of capital punishment on pedophiles for fapping to a picture. They may as well just rape and kill an actual child since the punishment is the same. But there is another option. Normal capital punishment for fapping to pictures of kids, and for those who rape an actual child: Drukhari style torture for months on end long after they beg for the sweet merciful release of death.

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The T_D boomer remnant are, predictably, substantially more based than anyone gives them credit for.

@VeganMGTOW Yeah but I don't need medicine either and I'm strictly carnivorous. I can get these resources for free because I grind offal into sausages and also eggs and ground beef is cheap. Also chickens can eat bucks and I can eat their eggs so I don't even need a farm to thrive. Just let the chickens free range and eat bugs from the grass and I'm good.

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