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@Tfmonkey Imagine what part of history theyre rewriting at the moment. This is just further confirmation of the CIA's psy-ops.

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Seeing a video of an obviously sheltered autistic Ukrainian kid as a soldier in trenches only armed with a stick floating around. This type of stuff just reinforces to me that the people who're midwits that believe and fall into line for everything get ever last ounce of shit they deserve.

I also understand an order of natural selection is harsh, but to some degree the bloodshed morons blindly support should instead be experienced by them in trenches dying for their gay empire.

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Colorado was just meant to start the trend. The regime is very shook.

For context, understand that polls show Trump doing well even in swing states. Concern over the economy & the reality of real world price inflation (not the faggot government statistic) that people actually see in their costs is at the top of people's minds during this election. Dems know if economic circumstances are bad, people vote against the incumbent. The desperation is real. They're just blatantly rigging the election

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Imagine if HR didn't exsi and companies just did testing based on real-world scenarios and did paid trial runs.

We'd save SO much money nad time everyone could get a 10% raise while making no more money.

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Another great example we should all be aware of is "McCarthyism." I recall learning in school how Joe McCarthy was just so horrible when he accused people of being communists. But it turns out, he was correct. Blacklisted by History outlines this perfectly (worth the read).

I recall also the Stanford Prison Experiment was recently discovered to be a bunch of bullshit too, as it turns out the people running it had an agenda.

I am sure there are many other examples I am unaware of too.

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Holy shit. This is literally the basis for all zombie sci-fi. I Am Legend here we come.

Seems the Japs are now allowing openly naked full genetic modification. This 'SA' style model will give full repeoductive coding to cells. So the immediate side effects are lesser, but the cells themselves spread reproductive code to rewrite more cells so that they produce spike proteins more quickly from the entire immune system.

Also, anyone able to name the tests for the Jab detection. Was mentioned to me off hand. I know the DDimer, but knowing more would be useful if they have more ease of access

> Tell woman I hate Poor People because they want to stay Poor

> To justify why I can't hate poor people rants for 2 hours as to why we fully understand the human brain and that humans do not control their consciousness therefore they can not control their actions to incentive structures or disregard them to stay poor.

> I don't accept your worldview lol

I have truly been enlightened as to what an argument is today. I was working out at the time so it killed my time at least.

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Argentinian female writer who is friends with Milei's sister (Karina Milei) confirms that Milei is naive when it comes to the US.

Milei has a Boomer mentality and thinks the US still values Liberty, which is why he wants to ally with it.

Source with timestamp.

YouTube | Will Javier Milei Save Argentina? | Guest: Lady Astor | 11/30/23

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@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan

I remember this being talked about at the height of Public Enemy's popularity.

They were huge & their style of hip-hop was starting to have positive cultural change in black America.

Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

There was a sudden switch from that to gangsta rap - NWA, Tupac, Biggie - which got massive amounts of airtime, promotion & money, while Public Enemy went down in flames battling accusations of ... wait for it .. anti-semitism.

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@Stahesh @Tfmonkey

That doesn't account for the strong, non-conformist types who have been brainwashed.

The classic example of this is the Christian Zionist.

No question about their strength of will, or of their willingness to go against a narrative, but are they ever the best example of the brainwashed idiot.

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