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I think they have Russia mop up whatever's going on in Ukraine, they sign their accord, and then they get a bigger dick. Russia should extend the nuclear umbrella I agree, but I do think they woudl rather be able to swing the conventional sword first to prevent nukes flying. The east has long been less competent than the White Man's brain so TFM may be thinking a lot more efficiently compared to their very slow crawling approach to these world ordeals. I'll invoke the eternal "We'll See."

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Perhaps they understand too their militaries are not as capable as we are lead to believe. The physical fronts won't be in Iran, but perhaps Iran does not have the AA assets to brunt the assets the US is willing to consentrate at it. Either way they ought to strike first, but nobody wants to put the neck out without the GAE being occupied within the area. Gaza isn't enough to truly occupy the regime. I'll begin Kvetching if they let Lebanon straight be invaded fully like Gaza and do nothing.

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I believe they have an internal timeline they are holding to nearing the fall. Russia isn't going to do shit in Ukraine then and through the winter so their plan may be to move in the summer, consolidate lines, then move assets into Syria. I do think they are all afraid because truely as ia said the worst thing you can do is lose a war. They know the US wants them to stretch their neck out so they can get a decisive victory.

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I do not think Russia and Iran are going to attack because some diplomat or politician that is not the ayatollah or guy who would direct the war gets killed. It is not a good look, but it isn't like they're face tanking tons of shit to their cabinets or necessary infrastructure. It is my beleive that they want the US & Israel committed in a war against Hezbollah. Iran is not a proxy and has internal factions that would devolve into civil war if their critical infrastructure went to shit.

Pretty "black pilled" stream today. But this feels like another 'Nothing Happens Until Something Happens' moment of time. I'm just going to as always suspend expectations a few weeks. Maybe the middle east cucks around a bit, but also it was the west hyping stuff up about an attack. Idk, we'll see and shit moves slowly.

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The only thing in nature that is fatty and sweet is mother's/breast milk. That's why we cannot control ourselves when it comes to eating sweet and fatty foods, like ice cream, cream-filled pastry, oreos and thing like that. The companies have hijacked our nature and use it to make us sick and squeeze every last penny out of us. Because we have to literally fight our own biological programming to resist these foods.

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Some evenings, the cool breeze and the warm sun make the air perfect, and I can't help but enjoy a deep breath of fresh air.
Is it a consumptive activity? Yes: the very best kind.

Don't forget to take a deep breath when the moment is right.

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I wanted to see whether youtube constantly crashing was caused by adblock, and it was. I disabled it to verify and omg so many ads everywhere. I have no clue how any sane person can go to the internet without an adblock. Youtube can get fucked, i am not watching any ads - ever. Actually not a single youtuber ever made a penny form my views. The only ones that did got paid via donation/superchat.

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This is the perfect time to ask the question to any TERFS: what are you willing to give up in exchange for preventing biological males in female sports?

The answer can't be nothing. You have to give up something, such as the things in Title 9 that cause men to lose their sports opportunities. Even better, we get rid of Title 9 entirely.

We should not answer cries for help if they are not willing to take back the very things that caused the problems they complain about.

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This is not just a TERF/feminism thing, but something that can apply to any leftist policy that blows up in the face of leftists who did not realize they would eventually not be able to stop the crazy train at their preferred stop.

"We cannot take all these migrants in NYC!" Okay, are you willing to crack down harder on illegal immigration, mass deport, and restrict access? No? Then why should we help you with the mess you voted for?

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If you find someone who merely complains about the effects of the trajectory of the policies they supported and they are unwilling to undo previous phases or put any mental energy in understanding things beyond the first order consequences, you are not dealing with someone who is willing or able to see reason. They need to either repeat the lessons in learning the hard way or they need to show some repentence for their poor choices in policies they supported.

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For months now, I've not touched video games though I used to be an avid gamer and modder, but since I've been meeting creative goals, the thought of playing even some of my old favorites seems pointless.

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Women are amazing. But you just have to take away their rights.

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Doing recon of the leftist faggot propaganda on NPR today, and they were talking about how Maduro is an authoritarian and there are major accusations of fraud in the election. It got me thinking, why are they going hard on him? Certainly not because they actually oppose his political ideaology.

Then I recalled (and confirmed) that Venezuala wants to join BRICS. That would explain why our state propaganda would be saying what they said.

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I am glad to see videos like this, as it shows that there is pushback against the tonedeaf "man up" message that many young men get from churches and pastors who do not understand how the conditions are no longer the same and that blaming young men for not being married is ridiculous when women have inflated standards and the marriage contract is as ironclad as toiletpaper.

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I am considering expanding my business ventures to purchase a relative's agricultural land, but to do it, I'd have to mortgage the assets. I'd also have to run the agri business full time or get little sleep during harvest season.
I have time before the relative retires, and he's interested in me apprenticing under him because none of his kids care about the business.
It's a frightful prospect, but its also an amazing opportunity if I can make it work.

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If it wasn't clear to you before now, the last 2 weeks of MSM/Reddit/TikTok/Meta should have made it crystal clear:

Western politics revolves around appointing people that won't be hated by women.

I fucking hate that this is true, but it is.

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Does anyone have that left v right image where Shapiro and Crowder are on the left-wing side of the right-wing (within their overton window), whereas in the real right-wing George Washington and King George III are offering hot right-wing takes outside of the boundary?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.