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Why are people still blaming the CEOs of these companies like youtube for censorship when it's CLEAR they're all ran by the government.

JUST IN: French farmers dump manure on police vans this Tuesday in Nîmes 🚨 🚨 🚨

The French are easily the best protesters in the world. 🔥


@sardonicsmile @UncleIroh yeah I would agree that Heat had one of the best shootouts scenes of any movie, I can’t think of a better movie with as good cinematography.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @37712 yeah I’ve heard that some of Muslim no go zones are starting to cuck out.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @37712 I remember awhile back @Tfmonkey made a video called The Tragedy of the Cuck, and it really explains and highlights this phenomenon.

@basedbagel @37712 yeah it’s unfortunate but hopefully history will learn from their mistakes.

@37712 @basedbagel I feel like these men never learn no matter how many times reality hits them in the face, that’s why these simps won’t survive the hard times. I think nature has a way of culling these men.

@UncleIroh @sardonicsmile but the 2000s and the 2010s had some gems, I like the Irishmen and the new planet of the apes trilogy, and the Many Saints of Newark (The Sopranos prequel) was pretty good.

Dr Arne Burkhardt.
The testes of a 28 year old man who died 140 days after injection. Had healthy son b4 injection.
Spike protein is in the testes, almost no spermatocytes in here.
"If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a man who was vaccinated."

@sardonicsmile @37712

He should have stated the other side of that trade. That vaccinated women are experiencing much higher rates of miscarriage, stillbirth and infertility.

Pureblood men should stay FAR away from vaccinated women if they want to become fathers.

@UncleIroh @sardonicsmile although I’m kinda young and didn’t live through the 90s, I can agree that the 80s and 90s had really good sci-fi and action movies. I loved Resevoir Dogs, Jurassic Park, Fight Club and Saving Private Ryan (though I might be more biased towards Saving Private Ryan because I love WWII stuff), but also you’re forgetting Good Fellas and Casino and Heat I believe.

Argubaly the 1990's was the Golden Age of film. So many greats which would never have been made 10-15 years later:

The Matrix
Ghost in the Shell
Fight Club
Pulp Fiction
Resevoir Dogs
Silence of The Lambs
Jurassic Park
Truman Show
Saving Private Ryan

I could go on and on. Suffice to say there's more variety and quality in that brief list than the shitty reboots we've had to put up with in the last decade.

@Jennifer_Lee @AbolishPregnancy look at it this way feminisy women like to say that the future is feminist BUT feminist women dont have kids and the future belings to the children, this is a complete brain fuck for feminist because this proves that the future is not feminist because feminist have no kids aka no future, they will die off and everything they believe and uphold will die with them. They will find their dead bodies burried in cat shit and piss.

@amerika yes I think it’s reasonable to say we can differentiate between the importance and significance of what individuals contribute to society, while also recognizing that equality of outcome is impossible.

@amerika This especially applies to women, after over a hundred years of giving in to their demands, the right to vote, the family court system, gender quotas/ affirmative action, Pell grants for college, birth control, and equal pay laws, women still have not achieved close to what men achieve and still claim to be oppressed.

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