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@UncleIroh @southpole21 @Tfmonkey I saw it in theaters the weekend it was out, I also saw the first one in theaters.

I’ve been browsing a lot looking at places to go off grid, there’s alot of places in the US to choose from. You can go anywhere you want buy cheap land and put a tiny house/ mobile house on it. In the video he mentions Kenai Peninsula, Alaska but he also mentions desert areas like Arizona and New Mexico. There’s also many places in the South too each state has its trade offs.

@basedbagel yeah that’s unfortunate but in time men will learn that women shouldn’t have political power.

Alaska definitely has a future, and is more than capable of being it’s own country.

Rwanda and Botswana have the fastest growing economies in Africa, who knows what Africa will look like in the future if the whole continent embraces freedom/capitalism.

@basedbagel @37712 @sardonicsmile I’m not disagreeing that women do have it easier than men, all I’m saying is they will lose their rights and their power in society will be diminished. Balance will be restored, sure men will still have it much harder but the unearned privileges and power that women have now will be gone in the future. I guess it depends on your perspective.

@basedbagel @37712 @sardonicsmile The term “who is winning” that can be subjective depending on how you see things, but I will say women’s power over society now will definitely diminish when things go to shit. The gynocentric social order is going to come to an end, especially when all the weak men/simps die when there’s hyperinflation and bankrupt welfare states everywhere among the western world. Nature is the one that wins in the end and gets the last laugh.

@basedbagel @37712 @sardonicsmile Hard times are coming for women in the western world when the welfare state and US dollar finally collapses, look at Venezuela the women are prostituting themselves for money and desperately looking for a man. Once all the institutions that favor women go away, you will see all the systems put in place to benefit women go away. Sure the men will have it harder but it will be objectively worse for them as things go to shit.

@37712 @sardonicsmile @basedbagel I forgot to mention, that there’s a Morgan Stanley study called The She Economy which states that by 2030 45% of women between the ages of 25-44 will be single and childless, and the reason for their research is to determine what to invest in since women purchase 85% of consumer goods, and it’s projected that wine and chocolate consumption will increase exceptionally by that time. Women do have it easier than men objectively but hard times are coming for them.

@37712 @basedbagel @sardonicsmile The wall is real as Rollo stated it’s not just biological but also psychological. A woman in her 30s and 40s that’s still reasonably attractive and takes care of herself, will still get dick and attention but she will not even come close to outcompeting her younger 18-25 year old self. Her 18-25 year old self would run circles around her in the open sexual marketplace. Also the quality men she can attract goes exponentially down, so she has to settle or be alone

@37712 @basedbagel @sardonicsmile At least 25% of women are on some form of psychiatric medication or depression medication, and every generation since I believe the Gen X (the generation born into second wave feminism) has increasingly been taking antidepressants. Plus this generation of women is far less happy than the women of the 1950s and 60s, women are spoiled children, sure their lives are easier than ours but they are objectively not content in modern western society.

@southpole21 @basedbagel @FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh yeah unfortunately the government is like an enabling parent and the people are spoiled children.

@basedbagel @FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh @southpole21 I’m making the assumption that we put forth getting rid of the quotas and moving towards a more fair competitive field in a more free/ capitalist society where we don’t have universal suffrage and democracy.

@FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh @basedbagel @southpole21 we don’t necessarily need to ban women out of the workforce, we just simply get rid of the quota system and tell them if they want jobs they have to compete with men on an equal playing field. By doing this most women by default will leave the workforce and will in turn increase the fertility rate, we can do same thing for minorities too everyone gets to run the same race, I’m a strong advocate for meritocracy.

@basedbagel @southpole21 @UncleIroh this isn’t based off of any data, I’m just speculating that if the quota system was removed at least 60% of women in the workforce would be out of a job, maybe some would be kept for entry level/secretarial positions. Yeah I agree if a woman wants to compete on an equal playing field I don’t see why not, but my speculation is that most would just shrug their shoulders and go back to the kitchen once they realize men aren’t going to take it easy on them.

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