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"Take your mask off BEFORE you come inside the store" 🤨

Seriously ???

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh yeah an example of this phenomenon is when you go on dating apps like bumble or tinder just to meet friends, the friend groups specifically say no single males only couples. Friends don’t want to add an excess single male to their social circle, women on the other hand have that natural social proof.

@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu we need male scarcity to fix this problem, or TWRA, Muslims are the only ones doing it but I kinda don’t won’t Islam to take over the world.

@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu the problem is we have an excess male population, too many males means more simps.

@mutageno That’s racist, these stores need to stay open for low income minorities.

@37712 If women could innovate and achieve what men could do, they wouldn’t need constant praising, constant recognition and to take credit for what men achieved. If you look in the past, there were women that achieved things and they didn’t need to take credit for men’s achievements, they just did it. We need to just accept the fact that women cannot do what men can do, and nothing will change of that unless we change our biological limitations through transhumanism.

Shrinkflation at its finest.

25% smaller but still a ridiculous $7 price tag…

Slaves did not build this country, also interesting fact, only 1.5% of African Americans today are descendants of slaves, only 1% of whites today are descendants of slave owners. Also the first slaves weren’t actually technically slaves in 1619, they were indentured servants who were going to be given freedom after 7 years of work, slavery didn’t become a thing until the 1660s. Most slaves picked cash crops like cotton, sugar cane, and only 1.4% of whites owned slaves.

Officials trying to convince citizens that the Ohio Spicy Water is safe for consumption.

Straight from the horses mouth, roll back welfare and get rid of affirmative action. Interesting how blacks under slavery were more likely to live with two married parents than today, that was the case until the 60s. Welfare really does destroy a society, and what’s worse is it’s something that’s too popular, so it’ll never get reformed.

@sardonicsmile @mutageno lol men cannot afford to be this stupid, I feel bad for the next generation of children.

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