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@FinalDresdonation divide labor, specialize in a particular commodity/sector, establish a free market/ trade with other colonies, create a militia/military and then setup the responsibilitism system where only net tax payers and people who are subject to conscription/draft get to vote. To answer your question the first thing we do is fortify the area and obtain resources, I’m thinking step by step.

@37712 If wise men from 2,000 years ago stated this, it kinda shows we have learned nothing from our past.

@redmaple @houseoftolstoy I mean think about it, without electricity there would be no food, water, climate control and a lot of modern medicine depends on the grid. Maybe 90% is high but it would definitely be over 50% considering all the people that depend on welfare, that are overweight/obese, dependent on medication and live in urban areas. Only 2% of Americans are farmers, most Americans aren’t that self sufficient, we’re highly dependent on just in time delivery systems.

The comparison of the options an average woman has to a male celebrity.

"I'm not gonna be paying for a girl on a date that's f*king other dudes" Brian

@houseoftolstoy also you gotta take into account how much the modern world relies on utilities, it will greatly affect essential industries i.e hospitals who are completely dependent on power and utilities, a lot will die, more than most can imagine.

@houseoftolstoy I watched a video from Cityprepper awhile ago, and he referenced a stat that if the grid went down in the US by either EMP or a total economic collapse, without power/electricity it could mean death for at least 90% of the population within 24 months. And this was taking in to account that the modern grid system was in desperate need of an update, even before all this climate change agenda and energy manipulation.

If the US does full on collapse, I think it will shock most people living in the US. Yes, we have many bad signs deterioration, but most people still are living fairly comfortably in spite of the issues with inflation.

Food not being on grocery store shelves, electricity turned off, and gas not being at the pump are things most people are not going to be able to contemplate. For most people, that will mean death.

@sardonicsmile @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu Yeah this policy doesn’t have jack shit to do with kids, they don’t care about kids they’re trying to get rid of internet anonymity. By logging in with your full name and date of birth they know who you are even if you use a VPN. Governments alway use a crisis to take away freedoms, similar to the patriot act and people always fall for it. I believe this is something already being put in place in the UK, correct me if me wrong.

@southpole21 pretty much, well she’s talking about toxic feminity and she seems to be calling out women, shes like a dating advice channel/ self improvement channel targeted towards men. It seems that talking shit about feminism is cool for women again.

@Darth_Bob @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu she looks like the type of girl that says she only hangs out with guys because of less drama.

This chick looks familiar lol, I know we’re supposed to stay clear of Chameleons lol but she’s easy on the eyes.

@UncleIroh @southpole21 @Tfmonkey I never saw those movies, so that’s why I say that. Planet Of The Apes was just sci-fi, not a superhero/sci-fi movie so I guess you can count it as a different category.

@UncleIroh @southpole21 @Tfmonkey Planet of The Apes remake is by far the best Sci-fi trilogy of the 2010s, it’s soo underrated.

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